
On Mathilde's Fatalism In Necklace莫泊桑短篇小说论

日期:2018年07月26日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:4071
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201506251437307905 论文字数:3350 所属栏目:英语文学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis
elegant、charming than all other female guests. She immersed herself in the joy. However, there is a proverb "extreme joy begets sorrow". She accidentally losted the diamond necklace which was borrowed from her friend. In order to repay the debt of purchasing necklace, the couple worked hard for ten years, enduring all kinds of hardships. Mathilde turned out to be a strong and hard-working woman.When she met Mrs Jeanne again, though they were good friends for many years, Mrs Jeanne didn't recognize her. Mathilde told her the unusual ten-years  experience,which was moved by Mrs Jeanne. To make everyone surprised,Mrs Jeanne told her that the diamond necklace she borrowed was fake, which was worth no more than five hundred francs.
1.3  About fatalism and its definition
Fatalism refers that the experience of life has been designed, including the fortunes and death of life, irich or poor. They believe all things that are made by people can't be controlled,while they contribute the reasons to the unknown power. People who believe in fatalism think that every thing is doomed which has been arranged by god in advance and a person cannot  change. The idea of fatalism is widespread in ancient and modern,in China and foreign countries, People are always trying to solve the mystery of life and find the meaning of certain things.
The belief that the order of things in the universe is decided by a mysterious power and people’s lives are determined by fate, no matter what one can do is just meaningless. In record of the society, Maupassant reveals the tragic story of Mathilde at that time, just as Maupassant said, fate is determined by one’s economy status and class status.” Maupassant write Mathilde as a victim of fate, her life is full of coincidence and fatality.If she didn't take that party, if she didn't borrow her friend's necklace, if she didn't lose the necklace……many possibilities, then Mathilde would change her life.
1.4  About background research
This is a simple story, but it has various meaning. Different people have different understanging. 
Some researchers think that the tragedy of ten-years suffering would not have happened to Mathilde if the necklace had not been lost although she loved vanity and luxury. In their opinion, the tragedy is attributed to accidentally missing necklace. It is not because of any reasons but the accident.If the necklace had not been lost, then Mathilde may have a happy life after the dancing party. 
Some researchers think that the characters of Mathilde showed in The Necklace is the typical petty-bourgeois character, which is featured by pleasure-seeking, over-confident and vain. Mathilde indeed has its weakness of her characters.But the researchers think this is the surface reason. The deep reason is the French society.  People have always focused on the criticism of Mathilde while attacking French society. At that time, the society is sick, full of pleasure-seeking and money-pursuing.
While some researchers have different opinions about this story.They don't think this event a tragedy, on the contrary, they think it is a good thing for Mathilde, which has the significance of teaching herself and other people.As we all know,firstly the character of Machine showed in the story is vainglorious and pleasure-seeking,after the accident of losing the necklace she borrowed,she changed greatly.She turned into a hard-working, simple, sincere and natural woman with sim