

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1326
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201501281626583460 论文字数:45612 所属栏目:英语文学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
veand step six. Then depending on the situation, the translator can adopt the “SixApproaches” to translate English into Chinese which is faithful to the source text andalso according with expression custom of Chinese. The “Six Approaches” areembedding, cutting, reversing, splitting-off, inserting and recasting.Lian Shuneng also discussed the translation of long and difficult sentences in hisA Coursebook on English-Chinese Translation written in 2006. He points out thattranslating long and complex English sentences involves not only a mixed applicationof various techniques but also a careful analysis of their grammatical structures andlogical sequences. That is to say, on the one hand, to achieve accurate comprehension a translator should take pains to decode the logical sequence of a long sentence inaddition to its grammatical relation, on the other, to achieve appropriate reproduction atranslator should make no less efforts to rearrange various parts according to theChinese way of thinking than to apply translation techniques, such as Diction,Conversion, Addition, Omission, Repetition, Inversion, Negation, Division, andCondensation. Lian Shuneng also comes up with seven major steps to translate a longand complex sentence。

Chapter 2 Literature Review…………………3

Chapter 3 Types of Difficult Sentences in English Literature………………6

3.1 Semantically Fuzzy Sentences…………....6

3.2 Difficult Sentences Involving Culture-loaded Words…………………8

3.3 Emotion-Attached Sentences………9

Chapter 4 Methods of Translating Difficult Sentences……………………11

4.1 Methods of Translating Semantically Fuzzy Sentences……………….11

Chapter 4 Methods of Translating Difficult Sentences

4.1 Translation Methods of Semantically Fuzzy Sentences
In this chapter, all examples represented are from the novel olive kitteridge (2008),which is a collection of short stories by American author Elizabeth Strout. The bookwon the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 2009, and was a finalist for the 2008 NationalBook Critics Circle Award. The author binds together thirteen rich, luminous narrativesinto a book with the heft of a novel, through the presence of one larger-than-life,unforgettable character: Olive Kitteridge. In the novel, it tells stories about Olive andher immediate family and friends in the town of Crosby in coastal Maine.At the edge of the continent, Crosby, Maine, may seem like nowhere, but seenthrough this brilliant writer’s eyes, it’s in essence the whole world, and the lives thatare lived there are filled with all of the grand human drama–desire, despair, jealousy,hope, and love.At times stern, at other times patient, at times perceptive, at other times in saddenial, Olive Kitteridge, a retired schoolteacher, deplores the changes in her little townand in the world at large, but she doesn’t always recognize the changes in those aroundher: a lounge musician haunted by a past romance: a former student who has lost thewill to live: Olive’s own adult child, who feels tyrannized by her irrational sensitivities;and Henry, who finds his loyalty to his marriage both a blessing and a curse.As the townspeople grapple with their problems, mild and dire, Olive is broughtto a deeper understanding of herself and her life – sometimes painfully, but alwayswith ruthless honesty. Olive Kitteridge offers profound insights into the humancondition--its conflicts, its tragedies and joys, and the endurance it requires.In the following sections, the author would introduce some methods whentranslating three kinds of difficult sentences in the novel Olive Kitteridge. They aresemantically fuzzy sentences, sentences involving culture-loaded words andemotion-attached sentences. Two or three examples after each specific method arepresented. And the Chi