

日期:2018年08月29日 编辑:ad201703301955106400 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2290
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201410261706404679 论文字数:38902 所属栏目:英语毕业论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
people believe that pretending to forget Chinese or even regarding English as LI isa reasonable and effective way to leam English well and claim that it will help facilitatesimultaneous interpreters' fluency and accuracy.However,studies,such as those of cognitive processing,of mind-language relations,of LI roles and of bilingual working modes,show that it is inevitable that LI alwaysproduces interventions in the process of learning or using an L2. When language transferoccurs,we can observe both positive language transfer and negative language transfer atthe same time. Although researches and theories on positive language transfer are limitedin both quantity and quality, this author argues that positive language transfer is of greatimportance and deserves more attention from SI trainees, practitioners and trainers.

1.2 Scope and objective of this study

The research questions that this study attempts to answer are listed as follows:(])Does positive language transfer exist in C-E SI?(2) In what aspects does positive language transfer occur more heavily in C-E SI?(3) Does a study of positive language transfer have pedagogical implications for SItraining?Traditional theories have been found to emphasize that signs of unsatisfactory L2learning such as pauses, hesitations, additions,deletions,and errors are partly caused bynegative language transfer. Among previous studies, studies of positive language transferare overshadowed by those of negative language transfer. As a result,this prejudice leadsboth SI trainers and trainees to pay much attention to distinguishing Chinese from English.However, the author argues that it is better to maximize advantages of positive languagetransfer rather than to constantly remind simultaneous interpreters of using English modeof thinking or avoiding MT interference.The objective of this study is to find out how much positive language transfer existsin C-E SI in terms of phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics and to justify theargument that making good use of positive language transfer can enhance the quality ofSI.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Definition of language transfer

Transfer can mean “the carry-over or generalization of learned responses from onetype of situation to another, especially the application in one field of study or effort ofknowledge,skill, power, or ability acquired in another" (Merriam-Webster, 2004: 626).Strictly speaking, the term can be used to refer to positive transfer,negative transfer andzero transfer. However, when it was applied to the field of applied linguistics, transfermeans what learners carry their knowledge about their native language (NL) over to thelearning of a target language (TL), which is commonly referred to language transfer. Inthis line of inquiry, language transfer is generally classified into two types, i.e., positivelanguage transfer and negative language transfer, because of the fact that we can neverfind two languages that are identical. If a language transfer does not lead to linguisticerrors, it is labeled positive transfer; if a language transfer leads to errors, it is regarded asnegative transfer.Besides, scholars on pragmatics claim they are interested in language transferstudies, especially in finding out in what way NL influences the learners incomprehending and performing a speech act in a TL and whether such transfers areappropriate in linguistic contexts. Takahashi (1992) states that language transfer consistsof both cross-linguistic influence and cross-cultural transfer elements. Kasper definespragmatic language transfer as “the influence exerted by learners’ pragmatic knowledgeof languages and cultures other than L2 on their comprehension, production,andacquisition of L2 pragmatic information" (Kasper, 1995:10).Terence Odlin define