

日期:2024年11月21日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:92
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202411172333593895 论文字数:41525 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background

Among the five basic English skills of listening,speaking,reading,watching andwriting,writing plays a vital role in English learning.Therefore,cultivating students'writing ability is also an indispensable part of English teaching.The High SchoolEnglish Curriculum Standards(2017 edition)clearly states that English writingmainly tests students'writing ability,which includes three important aspects includingfluency,accuracy and language appropriateness.It can be seen that the Ministry ofEducation has put forward specific requirements for the accuracy of students'Englishwriting.However,it is difficult for teachers to find appropriate methods to cultivateand improve students'language accuracy in English writing teaching,which makeswriting accuracy more prominent and arouses the academic circle's close attention tothis problem.

Since the process-based approach comes into second language teaching class,teacher feedback,as a part of this approach,has gradually become an indispensablepart of writing teaching.How to improve students'English writing accuracy throughteacher feedback has become one of the hot topics in current research.Therefore,studies on WCF is growing rapidly.Scholars hold different views on the effectivenessof teachers'WCF.Some related researches on WCF can be described in three aspects.


1.2 Research Purposes

This study intends to investigate the effects of focused and unfocused WCF onimproving the accuracy of senior high school students'use of generic NPs in Englishwriting.Specifically,this study covers two main purposes:

The first one is to explore what are the effects of focused and unfocused WCF onthe acquisition of English generic NPs in senior high school students'writing.That is,how these two types of WCF affect students’accurate use of English generic NPsrespectively.In addition,during the experiment,the author tries to help EFL studentsimprove their writing skills and eliminate the target structure errors in their writing aswell.

The second one is to find out the differences between the effects of these twotypes of feedback on the accurate use of English generic NPs and what causes thedifferences.Specifically speaking,this study aims to explore both the short-term andlong-term effects of focused and unfocused WCF on the acquisition of Englishgeneric NPs,so as to discover the most effective one in promoting the accurate use ofEnglish generic NPs in writing.In this way,some useful instructions can be providedfor English teachers and researchers.Therefore,teachers can choose the best way toprovide feedback and assist to improve students’writing quality to a large extent.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Focused and Unfocused Written Corrective Feedback

WCF is a contentious and hot topic in second language teaching,especially forits effects in writing,and has aroused second language researchers’great attention.Inthis study,the effects of focused the unfocused written feedback are to be investigated.Therefore,it is of great importance to introduce their definition.

2.1.1 Written corrective feedback

In this section,definitions of WCF proposed by different scholars are introducedand analyzed in detail and the classification of WCF is also included. Definition of written corrective feedback

Feedback is an important part of classroom instruction and can yield a significantimpact on language learning and performance(Hattie&Timperley,2007).Correctivefeedback is regarded to be“of eternal concern to L2 teachers”(Kepner,1991:305)inthe field of SLA.Chaudron(1977)defines it as teachers’response to learners’errors.Keh(1990:294)considers corrective feedback as“a fundamental element of a processapproach to writing”,which refers to the reader provides input to the writer andprovides the writer with information to revise the writing.According to Lightbownand Spada(1999),corrective feedback refers to any instruction or respons