

日期:2020年08月16日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1669
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202008062252131987 论文字数:52511 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
....... 77

5.2 Implications............................81

Chapter FourResults and Discussion

4.1 Characteristics of Vocabulary Knowledge in VocabularyActivities in NSE

Table 4.1 shows the overall results of the current research on vocabularyknowledge distributed in NSE. The top row figures for each aspect refer to thepercentages of the sample activities concerning the specific aspect which are found ineach textbook. The bottom row shows the raw number of these activities. The meanpercentages of each aspect will be the focus in the following discussion since they canprovide a comprehensive picture about the attention given to the different aspects ofvocabulary knowledge though the raw figures will also be taken into considerationoccasionally.

Table 4.1 Number and percentage of activities concerning the nine aspects of vocabularyknowledge


Chapter FiveConclusion

5.1 Major Findings

The current research is essentially materials evaluation. Based on therequirements of vocabulary learning and teaching proposed in National EnglishCurriculum Standards (2017 Edition), the vocabulary knowledge and receptive andproductive vocabulary use covered in the vocabulary activities of NSE areinvestigated. Through reviewing the basic theoretical assumptions on vocabularyknowledge, several models were sketched and compared. Previous research onvocabulary in textbooks was concisely reviewed as well, which providesmethodological reference for the present study. The actual evaluation was conductedwith the aim to answer the three research questions: 1)What vocabulary knowledge(Form/ Meaning/ Use) is covered in vocabulary activities in NSE? 2)What’s thecharacteristics of receptive and productive vocabulary use involved in vocabularyactivities in NSE? 3)To what extent does the vocabulary activity design satisfy thevocabulary learning and teaching requirements in the Standards?

The first question aims at describing the integration of various word knowledge in NSE vocabulary activities. Nation’s (2001) vocabulary knowledge framework,which divides word knowledge into three general aspects (Form/Meaning/Use) andnine sub-aspects, is used as instrument to analyze the vocabulary activities in NSE.Thus, the coverage and distribution of different aspects of word knowledge in theseactivities are identified and counted. The second research question tries to investigatethe characteristics of receptive and productive vocabulary use involved in NSEvocabulary activities. Nation’s (2001) framework is also applied because it offers asubtle blend of the conceptualization of vocabulary as word knowledge componentswith the conceptualization of vocabulary as receptive and productive mastery.Therefore, results are obtained through further identification of the receptive andproductive nature of the specific aspect of word knowledge in each NSE vocabularyactivity. 
