2.2 Basic Functions of Output Hypothesis
The reason that language output become one of the important process oflanguage acquisition is that it uses different psycho-linguistic mechanism from that oflanguage input. Language learner could use knowledge, context, encyclopedia,communication skills to understand the language input. The language learner can stopon the lexical level in the process of language input. Izumi(2003) pointed out that theuse of understanding strategy may lead to the lose of learning chance for languagelearner. However, in the process of language output, language user can not uselanguage strategy to fix the absence of language system like in the process oflanguage input, therefore, they have to enter the syntactical level when they makefurther language process(Swain 1995). In this process, language learner can notice thedistance between their language ability and what they want to express, and notice theproblem exist in the inter-language. This kind of notice can promote the developmentof language learning and thus be called “noticing function” of Language OutputHypothesis. In the processing of output, language learners use knowledge they have tosearch proper link between form and meaning to express their need. Because of thelimitation of the inter-language, when language users’ linguistic ability can not satisfytheir need to express, we can say, they meet with difficulties. It is this kind ofdifficulties provide chance for them to find the absence of language system, whenthey receive new input, they will notice related language input initiative. From thispoint of view, language learner’s internal trigger mechanism (Izumi 2003), and thismechanism is what language learner need in the age of enlightenment and in theprocess of language input. In other words, the noticing function make languagelearner pay more attention to input process, which promote input transfer into intake.Therefore, noticing function aims to enhance the process of input, let language usernotice the language form more according to the process of language output, andfurther to push the development of language acquisition. However, the notice is aresource distribution of l