

日期:2018年02月09日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1802
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201705181338121765 论文字数:32779 所属栏目:软件工程硕士论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
摘 要 

关键词:物联网,RFID,Android,B/S &C/S,设备编码


Internet use to the laboratory management system of colleges and universities upgrade and maintenance brings new opportunities and challenges. Paper introduced logistics management of thought, discussion RFID technology and II dimension code technology in laboratory equipment management system in the of application, design has a based on B/S and C/S mixed mode of laboratory equipment intelligent management system, to meet University Laboratory construction management process in the on various equipment data of collection and management, to achieved equipment of information management, improve management level and efficiency, while can let superior management sector timely understand equipment situation, optimization experiment configuration, improve equipment utilization. The main research contents are as follows:
(1) According to users ' needs a device management solution based on Internet technology, which uses radio frequency identification technology and QR code technology on the front-end using a handheld device to automatically scans the device information to implement reading and writing, queries and other operations, culminating in the network traffic normally uploaded to the database.
(2) Analysis of system on the basis of the overall needs of the, complete function modules of the system design, database design, database design, systems design, and completion of b/s system in the system management module, designed the models for resource management, public affairs, programming source code and prepare the relevant function module to achieve the basic functions of the system.
(3) Completion of module design based on the Android platform in c/s mode, and implement data synchronization with the back-end database.
This technology solves the following problems:
(1) Proposed for this system of equipment management of EPC codes and QR code label design, the design takes into account the Faculty code classification code, assets, equipment classification, equipment code and writing equipment related information and easy to implement for basic information of the query.
(2) Using XML as the language for data description and Exchange, and implement systems before and after data synchronization, solves the problem of data synchronization between heterogeneous databases.
Keywords: The Internet of things,RFID,Android,B/S &C/S,Device codes
目    录

摘 要 III
目    录 1
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究与背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 课题研究内容及主要工作 5
第二章 相关技术 7
2.1 物联网技术 7
2.1.1 物联网产生背景 8
2.1.2 物联网的结构体系 9
2.1.3 物联网的节点和架构 10
2.2 移动互联网技术 11
2.2.1 MVC框架技术 11
2.2.2 Android的设计与开发 13
2.3 Web系统开发技术 17
2.4 设计方法 19
2.4.1 包设计方法 19
2.4.2 外部接口设计方法 20
第三章 实验室数字管理系统总体方案设计 21
3.1  引言 22
3.2  系统需求分析 22
3.2.1 需求概述 22
3.2.2 功能需求分析 23
3.2.3 性能需求分析 23
3.2.4 业务需求分析 25
3.2.5 数据需求分析 26
3.3  系统整体方案设计 27
3.3.1  感知层总体设计 28
3.3.2  网络层总体设计 29
3.3.3  应用层总体设计 32
3.4  系统可行性分析 33
3.5  本章小结 34
第四章 设备管理系统的设计与实现 34
4.1 相关技术问题解决方案 35
4.1.1 标签编码设计方案 35
4.1.2 数据同步设计方案 37
4.2 系统管理模块 40
4.2.1 用户登录 40
4.2.2 角色管理界面 42
4.3 资源管理模块 43
4.3.1 设备台账管理页面 43
4.3.2 设备管理模块 44
4.4 公共事务管理模块 46
4.5 C/S模式详细设计 46
4.5.1 基于WinCE5.0 平台的手持数据采集设计 47
4.5.2 PDA界面设计与实现 48
4.6 基于RFID无线定位方案的提出 51
4.7 本章小结 53
第五章 设备管理系统的调试与验证 53