

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201202141743086341 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3314
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201204280843286075 论文字数:26312 所属栏目:软件工程硕士论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

Equipment Leasing Kailuan Group Research and Design Management System


摘    要




Leasing of construction machinery and equipment share of over 60% of the entire rental industry is the leader in the leasing industry. In fact, the share of leasing in two forms. One kind of access to services in order to provide rental income, and the other solely for consignment sales take to rent or finance leases. The former share of about 60%, most of the individual lessor. Which accounts for about 40%, most equipment manufacturers? With the rental market competition continues to deteriorate, more and more difficult sales, for the purpose of leasing companies to sell shares will increase. Kailuan Group company as large and medium state-owned enterprises, equipment leasing has broad prospects for development. Kailuan Group equipment rental management system is a group-level coal production enterprises operating efficiency of equipment management and optimization methods and protection, equipment rental management system through the use of sophisticated information processing technology, real-time grasp of the status of various equipment companies, and through leasing the cost of extraction, production units of equipment to reduce idle time and increase efficiency in the use of equipment, and through a large number of technical parameters and the integrated treatment of historical data, support decision makers and end of life posed by the acquisition of decision-making, thus the most optimal use of the equipment process.
Kailuan Group equipment leasing to the background of the system, using UML as a unified modeling language, off Luan Group equipment lease system analysis, design and implementation, using Oracle8i database technology for data analysis and design. Network with programming languages such as J2EE architecture, graphics control, and the graphics attributes and other key technologies were developed technology is completed based on B / S structure of the equipment leasing system development, the use of results to meet client needs and system design requirements.


KeyWords:  machinery and equipment share、UML、Oracle8i、J2EE、


1  引言 1
1.1  论文选题目的及意义 1
1.2  设备租赁的现状 2
1.2.1  国外设备租赁的发展现状 2
1.2.2  国内设备租赁的发展现状 2
1.3  文章结构和主要工作 3
2  系统需求分析及总体设计 5
2.1  需求分析 5
2.2  系统总体设计 6
2.2.1  系统开发的相关技术 6
2.2.2设备租赁系统构架框图 7
3  系统详细设计与实现 14
3.1  设备租赁管理业务功能模块设计 14
3.1.1  采购计划管理 14
3.1.2设备采购管理 18
3.1.3  设备验收和总帐管理 19
3.1.4  设备采购款及其支付 20
3.1.5  设备管理的计提费用 21
3.1.6  设备移动通知单管理 22
3.1.7  设备移动管理 22
3.1.8  设备状态管理 24
3.1.9  设备报废与回收管理 25
3.1.10  设备大修计划管理 26
3.1.11  设备大修管理 26
3.1.12  设备大修验收管理 27
3.1.13  设备大修费及其支付 28
3.2  单体柱(三用阀)业务管理功能模块设计 29
3.2.1  单柱(三用阀)采购计划和验收 29
3.2.2  单柱(三用阀)采购管理 29
3.2.3  新购单柱(三用阀)验收入库(矿) 30
3.2.4  单柱(三用阀)采购款及支付(对供货商结帐) 30
3.2.5  单柱调拨管理 31
3.2.6  单柱(三用阀)状态检验管理 31
3.2.7  单柱(三用阀)修理与验收管理 32
3.2.8  单体柱有关费用计算表: 32
3.2.9  单柱租金和有关费用收支管理 33
3.2.10  单柱报废处理 33
3.2.11  单体柱统计报表 34
3.3  备品备件管理业务功能模块设计 34
3.3.1  备品备件总帐管理 34
3.3.2  备品备件移动管理 35
3.4  动态网站和协同办公等功能模块设计 35
3.4.1  系统维护