

日期:2018年09月04日 编辑:ad201703301955106400 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3044
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201211152125393579 论文字数:43000 所属栏目:小学英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter l Introduction
1 .1 Background of the research
    With  the rapid  development  of economy  and  the fast-speed  spread  ofinformation,  English is now becoming increasingly important.  As  a type ofcommunicative medium, English has been widely used every day such as in the fieldof computer, science, technology and business, especially in foreign languageteaching and learning. English education in our country is in a rapid developmentalstage. Beyond doubt, we witness some obvious and amazing progress in Englisheducation in these years. However, the current teaching mode has still tendedbackwardness which can not guarantee high-quality requirement or cater to socialdevelopment and progress. The traditional teaching method has laid too much stresson grammar and vocabulary without enough focus on practical performance and taskactivities.
    In some big countries, English has been taught frotr. the third grade in primaryschools, but a satisfactory teaching result has not been reached. The biggest obstaclefor the students in studying English is that they do not know how to express andcommunicate in English in the authentic situational context rather than to emphasizethe application of vocabulary and grammar. In the past, traditional method of foreignlanb cage teaching has attached much to grammar and scores of the examination. Thestudents' competence has not been increased. This is not the target that qualityeducation pursues. In order to enhance the students' competence in English, expertsand teachers realize that it is urgent to improve foreign language teaching efficiency.They attach more and more importance to communication and autonomy in theirown classes, but there is no real communicative environment and opportunities forthe students to practice. The current situation needs to be changed as quickly aspossible.
1.2 Purpose of the study
    In recent years, a new round of teaching reform, which has aroused strongrepercussions in China, attracted many experts and teachers to pay attention, toreflect on and to discuss. In July 2001,Task-Based Language Teaching (hereinaftercalled TBLT), as a new teaching mode that appeared in China, became discussingfocus since it was considered as an effective method from primary school touniversity. In the document, it revealed that teachers were advocated to use TBLTmethod. According to New Curriculum Standard of English in primary schools, thestudents' interest in learning should be cultivated and maintained by teachers whoneeded to seize the opportunity to render English classroom atmosphere, to mobilizeenthusiasm of the students, to change their negative attitudes, http://www.51lunwen.org/primaryenglish/ to prepare sufficientstudy materials and to carefully plan the lessons. Attention was paid much to"students-centered" so as to establish a new type of harmonious relationship betweenteachers and students. Teachers should stress emotional communication with thestudents,  students' interest cultivation and diverse forms of English teachingarrangement, such as intra- curricular or extra-curricular activities. In brief, fromtheory to practice, TBLT represents the newest research results in the sphere offoreign language teaching and learning, advocating the latest perspectives ofeducation mode that panders to the needs of the development of times and thetransformation of foreign language teaching and learning.
    Some theoretical study and practical exploration will he carried out in thisthesis in order to enhance the students' speaking competence, interest in English,learning motivation and attitude, as well as to construct a harmcnious environment.Tris is the purpose to carry out this survey.
1.3 Significance of the research