

日期:2018年09月04日 编辑:ad201703301955106400 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3044
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201211152125393579 论文字数:43000 所属栏目:小学英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
p;   English has become especially important. Listening, speaking, reading andwriting are four basic skills for the students to master. However, in the presentsituation, students in primary schools learn English just through a traditionalteaching method which is used by their teachers who think that learning English isjust something about doing lots of exercises, reciting some important words, phrases,sentences, etc. Actually in class, the Students are in low spirits and the atmosphere isboring. Students are neither interested in English nor are they active in classactivities. The result is not satisfactory although teachers teach with much effort. Thestudents' speaking ability improves tardily and even they speak in an inaccurate way.1n order to change the present situation appearing to us, the author proposes that anew teaching method which is called Task-Based Language Teaching should beadopted to improve students' speaking proficiency. Both the students' speakingability and their attitudes, interests towards English would be improved and changedthrough reasonable and suitable teaching method.
1.4 Arrangement of the thesis
    The thesis falls into seven parts. Chapter 1 is the introduction part whichincludes background of the research, purpose of the study, significance of theresearch, arrangement of the thesis and even the reason for adopting TBLT method.Chapter 2 touches upon literature review. A detailed and previous study will beincluded to record the course of the development of TBLT in these years. In thischapter, it refers to the studies of TBLT both abroad and at home, also someconclusions and researches of TBLT in primary schools and the relative introductionabout  Graded  Examinations in  Spoken  English.  Chapter 3  is  about relevanttheoretical  foundations  such  as  Van  Lier's  Curriculum  Theory  and  Stephenhrashen's Input Hypothesis and Interactive Hypothesis. Chapter 4 is concerning theapplication of task design in oral class which includes basic principles of task design,procedures of task design and the teacher's role in oral class. Chapter 5 is in regardto the experimental research. The whole process of the experiment will be recordedobjectively. In this part, the researcher will analyze the experiment process, do thedata collection and make analysis according to the experiment results. Chapter 6 isconcerning  experimental  results  and  discussions  which  mainly  include  datacollection and result analysis. Chapter 7 is relevant to conclusions and implications.It mainly deals with limitations in this study and some suggestions given to foreignlanguage teaching and learning.
1.5 The reason for adopting 
    In modern society, various teaching methods are applied in foreign languageteaching, but in this thesis why the author adopts TBLT. Because it is not only useful,but also it is called a kind of new teaching ideal which can bring a more positiveimpact on foreign language teaching and learning. The reasons for adoption of TBI;I'can be explained in different angles as follows:
    Firstly, TBLT is the ideal state that language acquisition is pursuing, such as alarge number of language input and output, the actual use of classroom activities andthe  of intrinsic motivation of learners.
    Secondly, in TBLT class, most of the time will be spent in group activities or inpairs. In the mean time, activity exchange in the classroom in a limited time willincrease