E. Ann. Kaplan believed that, much of MTV’s particular institutional form can be accounted for by looking at its links to a mode that at first seems to be the antithesis of rock music, namely advertising . It is to the wedding of rock music and aesthetic visual forms drawn partly from advertising that I now turn (Kaplan, E. Ann, 1987). Kaplan's judgment on the meaning of MTV is that, there is an existence of a link between MTV and advertising, but MTV is not the same as advertising, it has some characteristics of its own. For this thesis agrees with the judgment of Kaplan's, this article will from the relationship between MTV and advertising, as well as some of the features of MTV's own to support Kaplan's judgment.
1. MTV is naturally associated with television advertising.
2. Music and Popular Music
3. MTV and Postmodernism
4. MTV and Consumer Culture
5. MTV and the Gaze
论文题目:Do you agree with E Ann Kaplan’s assertion that MTV is a “wedding of rock music and aesthetics visual forms drawn partly from… a mode that at first seems to be the antithesis of rock music, namely advertising” (1987, p.11).
论文用途:本科课程论文 BA Assignment
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