

日期:2018年08月20日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1088
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201808122150567924 论文字数:2317 所属栏目:论文提纲
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:论文格式 Paper format







The construction of ecological civilization is connected with people's happiness, health,national prosperity and the long-term project of our nation. For the realistic situation in China,the economy is developing rapidly, people's living standard has been increased substantially. Andcorrespondingly, the ecological environment is worsen quickly, it is also the bad influences of therapid economic development. The exacerbation of the ecological environment caused people'sattention. People know that it is not feasible to develop the economy at the cost of making theexacerbation of ecological environment. We should use the finance services to constructecological civilization, improve the structure of credit, strengthen support for key areas andenvironmental protection enterprises continuously, and give better financial support for theconstruction of ecological civilization.

While the economy developing, the environmental responsibility has been an absolutelynecessary part of the development of enterprises, and the development of the environment isconnected to the enterprises' development closely. Commercial banks are important parts in theconstruction of ecological civilization, they play a central role in the modern economic system.

The green credit is an important part of commercial banks to fulfill the environmentalresponsibility. How does green credit develop in commercial banks? What are the deficiencies ofChina's green credit products? How to develop new green credit products for commercial banks?

This article takes Pudong Development Bank as an example. Through the development processof Pudong Development Bank's green credit and its green credit product system, we can have adeep understanding of the current condition of Pudong Development Bank green credit'sdevelopment. This article combines the current condition of internal and external green creditproducts, Several green credit products have been developed from a new perspective. Accordingto the demand of green credit products, divided into enterprise green credit products and personalconsumption of green credit products, Enterprise green credit products are divided intoproductive enterprises green credit products, enterprise green credit products of energy savingtransformation, and this article for them to design a complete set of products. Finally, combinedwith the domestic and foreign experience, for China's commercial banks to carry out green creditbusiness, design green credit products to put forward proposals to promote the green creditbusiness of China's banking industry to better and faster development.

Key words: Green credit products, Environmental responsibility, PudongDevelopment Bank




第一章 引言

1.1 研究背景

1.1.1 全球及我国生态环境问题

1.1.2 绿色经济及环境责任

1.1.3 绿色信贷及其产品

1.2 文献综述

1.2.1 绿色信贷内涵及其意义

1.2.2 商业银行与绿色信贷

1.2.3 绿色信贷的法律法规

1.3 本文创新之处和不足之处

第二章 国内外商业银行绿色信贷业务现状

2.1 国内商业银行绿色信贷发展

2.1.1 我国绿色信贷政策

2.1.2 我国商业银行绿色信贷发展及其产品现状

2.1.3 商业银行绿色信贷对银行业绩的影响

2.2 国外商业银行绿色信贷经验及其产品

2.2.1 赤道原则及国外绿色信贷经验

2.2.2 国外绿色信贷产品及服务概括 房产类产品和服务 交通类产品和服务 信用卡类产品和服务 资本类产品和服务 其他产品和服务

第三章 浦发银行绿色信贷发展历程

3.1 浦发银行基本情况

3.2 浦发银行绿色信贷发展

3.2.1 绿色信贷政