

日期:2018年04月20日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1452
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201804121828384706 论文字数:2145 所属栏目:论文提纲
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:论文格式 Paper format
eYangs' version is unsurpassable, but at abroad, the Hawkes's version is in the top-rankingamong the English versions of HLM. As for the operational norm, it has been concluded thatthe higher syntactic status the English predicate occupies, the higher information value itconveys, which determines that normally the selected English predicate will be incorrespondence with the original syntactic component which also enjoys a higher syntacticstatus as well as possesses a higher information value and that finding is also reflected in thefollowing way: the element loaded with the information about the result of an event in the ST,for example, the Chinese verb indicating the result of an event, is normally rendered into anelement with a higher syntactic status in the TT, such as, the English main-clause predicateverbs. Apart from that, the selection of English predicates will also be constrained by thediscourse theme of ST, English subjects and different lexicalization levels between Chineseand English.

All in all, this research attempts to shed light on the study of translation process andbring about inspiration to translation teaching and practice.