

日期:2021年12月21日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1127
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202112031239285944 论文字数:31022 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
eeches are quantitatively analyzed.The scatter plots show the twelve linguistic feature indices indicate four trends showingdifferent effects on speech quality: positive nonlinear correlation, negative nonlinearcorrelation, positive linear correlation, and negative linear correlation. These findings indicatethat public speeches focus on the richness of content rather than vocabulary richness.Moderate syntactic and grammatical complexity and text readability are the keys to publicspeeches.

Seven indices that both influence speech and writing and five indices that only influencespeech, and thirteen indices that only influence writing compared with public speech. Theresults show that, compared with writing, the language of public speech should be moreconcise and the sentence structure simpler and clearer. Also, the speech of high quality willuse fewer abstract words and pay attention to the usage of pronouns to attract the audience’sattention. Fewer complex sentences, less diversity of words across the text, and more familiarwords will generally facilitate understanding. Therefore, if proficient speakers strive toproduce text that facilitates comprehension for the listener, essays judged as higher quality arelikely to have these features (i.e., contain fewer complex sentences, lower diversity of words,and more familiar words). Based on the difference in the materials and the input way for theaudience, and the use of advanced cohesive devices will make the content too complicated fora public speech, which will cause the audience to be unable to accurately and quickly graspthe views expressed by the speaker. A proficient writer would be more skillful in their writing.Meanwhile, for a speaker, the requirements for language complexity are relatively lowcompared with writing, which means speech requires more fluency and concise expressions toconvey the speaker’s core ideas. The speaker should appropriately adjust the languagecomplexity of their speeches. Only by using authentic and concise language structure can thespeaker share more information and convey his own views.’
