

日期:2021年11月30日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1171
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202111191055579338 论文字数:26525 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
rent from other metaphors in processing. Theconcept and classification of mixed metaphors were clarified by examples.

2.1.1 Definition of Mixed Metaphor

Despite it is acknowledged that the mixing of metaphors is a pervasive phenomenon inlanguage[2-3], the exact definition of “mixed metaphor” has not reached an agreement. At first,let’s have a look at two typical examples of the mixed metaphor to get a general idea of it:

① My brain, that precision instrument, slipped into high gear.

② 让经贸人文两个“轮子”一起转,促进中非合作步入快车道。

The above two sentences are typical mixed metaphors, and what make them differentfrom conceptual metaphors is that they use two inconsistent metaphors to convey one tenor.In the first sentence, “my brain” is metaphorically compared to both a precision instrumentand a driving car in high speed. In the second sentence, “轮子(wheel)” and “快车道(fastlane)” are related to cars, while “步入(step in)” is a activity of human. The two examples thusrespectively combine two semantically incongruent source domains into one common scene.

Then, let’s go back to the specific definition of mixed metaphor that given in dictionariesor given by researchers. Different dictionaries give different definitions and remarks on theterm “mixed metaphor”. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary gives definition of “mixedmetaphor” as “a metaphor that combines different images or ideas in a way that is foolish orillogical”[12]. The definition of “mixed metaphor” in Random House Dictionary is “the use inthe same expression of two or more metaphors that are incongruous or illogical whencombined (e.g. ‘The president will put the ship of state on its feet’)”[13]. The New OxfordEnglish-Chinese Dictionary define it as “a combination of two or more imcompatiblemetaphors, which produces a ridiculous effect”[14]. Besides, in The English-ChineseDictionary (《英汉大词典》) , the entry of “mixed metaphor (混喻)” is “两个或两个以上通常为互不协调或互不相容的隐喻的结合”[15]. 

2.2 The Views on Mixed Metaphor

In this section, a contrast between the traditional views and modern views on mixedmetaphor was made to interpret why mixed metaphor is worth researching and feasible tostudy. The correlated research both domestic and abroad, past and present was summarized,and a shift of the attitude towards mixed metaphor among scholars was then clearly observed,especially over the last three decades. Eventually, the research feasibility as well as theresearch value of mix metaphor got clarified through the discussion.

2.2.1 Traditional Views on Mixed Metaphor

For centuries, people have neglected mix metaphor as a category of awkwardly usedlanguage and an indication of a disordered mind. Textbooks on rhetoric and style, fromAristotle through the Enlightenment to the present day, almost all advocate the prohibition ofmixed metaphor [21-23]. Educators have despised mixed metaphor and advised people not towrite or speak in this manner. Dictionary writers looked down upon mixed metaphor bydescribing it “incongruous”, “illogical”, and “ridiculous” in definition.

The condemnation of mixed metaphor arisen since Aristotle, who opened up thetraditional rhetorical study of metaphor in the West. He not only affirmed the positive effectof metaphor for it enables the audience to attain something fresh, but also stressed metaphorsshould be used appropriately based on two principles: first, choose a word that everyonecould understand but not superficial, for an unfamiliar expression will bring difficulties to theunderstanding of meaning; second, the process of reasoning should not be so complicated thataffects people’s understanding[23]. It is quite clear that the phenomenon of mixed metaphorviolates Aristotle’s principles, for it is neither concise nor easily understood as the simplemetaphor. So does one old English composition textbook admonish: “Sometimes writers goso far as to forget the metaphorical significance of their words as to combine distinctlyincongruous metaphors, producing what are called mixed metaphors. ...All such fo