

日期:2018年10月07日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1910
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201809071556415511 论文字数:31544 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
are provided with corresponding countermeasures to improve the level of L2 learning.


Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Theoretical Researches of L2 Learning Motivation

Motivation is frequently regarded as a behavior that involves with its beginning, direction, intensity and durability from the psychological perspective. Individuals can be encouraged and stimulated to move toward an expected goal by certainly motivation. Motivation is also a factor used to explain why the activities would be successful or failure. Innumerable researchers at home and abroad realized the significant of motivation; however, the consistent definition of motivation hasn’t been reached yet. In chapter 2, the author will make a summary of previous researches of motivation at home and abroad, which involves the developmental history of L2 motivation researches at home and abroad, the relevant L2 motivation theories as well as the limitation of previous researches.

2.1.1Definition of Language Learning Motivation

The study of motivation shifted from psychology to pedagogy, and Robert Gardner and Wallace Lambert (1959), two Canadian psychologists, first put forward motivation and attitudes in  L2  acquisition.  Gardner  and  Lambert  (1972)  held the  opinion  that  an  intense  language learning  motivation  can  remedy  the  weakness  of  language  aptitude  and learning  condition. Where  after,  Skehan  (1989)  put  forward  the  view  that  motivation  is  another  most  effective factor  that  can  catch-all  term  to  explain  the  success  or  failure  besides  language  aptitude. Although  both  of language  learning  motivation  and  language  aptitude  are  important  learner factors, they are dramatically different, for the former can be formed gradually, but the latter is inborn.


2.2 Empirical Researches of L2 Learning Motivation

2.2.1The L2 Learning Motivation Researches Aboard

Empirical studies on the motivation of L2 began in 1950s and 1960s, in which are divided into two stages, and 2005 is the dividing line. Before 2005, almost all studies were in the early stage of social psychology theory (Gardner & Lambert, 1972). The empirical studies of Gardner &  Lambert,  (1972),  Gardner  (1985)  et  al.  verified  the  two  kinds  of  motivation tendency  of integration and instrumental. After 2005, empirical study based on the L2 self system gradually become the mainstream.

With the deeply development of  linguistics  and language  learning  motivation  study,  the new  view  that  language  is  not only  a  mere  communication  code  but  also  a  part  of  personal identity, Therefore, scholars begun to investigate the relationship between L2 motivation and language learner themselves, such as Markus & Nurius’s (1986) possible selves theory, Higgins’ (1987) self theory and the increasing dissatisfaction with Gardner’s integrativeness, Dörnyei (2005a) integrated  Noels’s  (2003)  and  Ushioda’s  (2001)  outcomes  and  propo