

日期:2018年02月25日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1339
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201801282125465217 论文字数:34758 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
ls are introduced and factors influential tointerpretation quality are summarized.For primary learners of interpretation, one of the biggest challenges is thatinterpretation is an unconventional mental activity which involves in multitasking.Daniel Gile proposed Effort Models to help interpreters understand the "difficulties (ofinterpreting) and selecting appropriate strategies and tactics".[5]Gile's Effort Model is anoperant conditioning model about interpretation rather than structural model or flowchart of information processing in interpretation.[6]According to Gile, SI can be modeled as a process composed of three core Efforts:Listening and Analysis Effort (Effort L), Short-term Memory Effort (Effort M) andSpeech Production Effort (Effort P). And there is another Effort called CoordinationEffort (Effort C) which functions as coordinating the three core Efforts.[6]The EffortModel of SI can be represented as:Simultaneous Interpreting = Listening and Analysis Effort + Short-term memoryEffort + Speech Production Effort + Coordination Effort[6]Gile pointed out that during interpreting, one, two or three of the core Efforts areactive at the same time, and processing capacity requirements of operating simultaneousinterpreting should be like the following.

2.2 Working Memory
Working memory is defined as the temporary storage of information that is beingprocessed in any range of cognitive tasks.[8]It has two functions: information processingand information storing. As a limited capacity system, working memory plays asignificant role in various advanced cognitive activities, because most cognitiveprocesses require us to hold information for a short period. Some research has beendone on working memory, but Baddeley and Hitch's model of working memory is oneof the most famous models.Central executive is the core of working memory. It is regarded as a limitedcapacity pool of general processing resource which coordinates an individual's variousexecutive processing of stored information, which is similar to the whole limited humancognitive capacity system. Visuospatial sketchpad and phonological loop work as twosubsystems or "slave systems" of central executive, but they are coordinated andcontrolled by central executive at the same time. In other words, central executivedetermines what activities the two slave systems should be doing at any given time.[10]Meanwhile, central executive is responsible for connecting the two subsystems to long-term memory. Its main work includes selecting information processing strategy,selective attention, task managing and planning, encoding and decoding.[11]As a limited capacity system, visuospatial sketchpad is responsible for temporarilystoring and manipulating visual and spatial information. It enables people to form visualimages, keep images in minds and convert words into images.[9]Phonological loop is also called articulatory loop. It is a limited system thatmaintains phonological information. It consists of phonological store and articulatoryrehearsal system. The function of phonological store is to keep phonologicalinformation for a very short period, and then articulatory rehearsal system coordinatesand rehearses the information to prolong its stay in phonological store.

Chapter 3 Research Methods and Procedures........... 18
3.1 Subjects ........ 18
3.2 Research Tools and Data Collection ......... 19
3.2.1 Working Memory Span Test ......... 19
3.2.2 Interpretation Tests and Evaluation of Interpretation Quality.... 21
3.2.3 Questionnaire about Subjects' Experience in Interpretation....... 24
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion ..... 26
4.1 Descriptive Statistics of the Tests .... 26
4.2 Inferential Analysis of the Data ....... 27
4.3 Discussion .... 33
Chapter 5 Conclusio