

日期:2018年01月28日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1326
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201704021850155998 论文字数:38479 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

1.1 Research Background
Learning a second language is a long and complex undertaking. Errors are inevitableas one goes on through the process of learning. Chinese learners also cannot avoidmaking errors during English learning as it is known to us all that Chinese andEnglish are two totally different languages which belong to different languagefamilies. The language patterns, grammatical rules and the culture rooted in thelanguages are all quite different from each other. Therefore, learning English requiresa painstaking effort for countless Chinese EFL learners.English adjectives with a high frequency of occurrence and complicated usageand grammar have been a great hindrance to Chinese EFL learners. Chinese learnersin all stages make errors quite frequently in using adjectives. For example, a lotChinese EFL learners say “red-eyed” instead of “green-eyed” when they want to say“someone is jealous(mǒu某rén人yǎn眼hónɡ红le了)”. A lot beginners would say “big rain” instead of“heavy rain” when they actually want to say “the rain is heavy (dà大yǔ雨)”. These errorsare quite common and occur with a very high frequency for Chinese EFL learners. Asadjectives take up a large proportion of English, there is no way for Chinese EFLlearners to speak or write in English correctly if they cannot master the proper usageof adjectives. They will run the risk of sounding pompous or ridiculous to nativespeakers if they try to use a more formal synonym instead of a proper adjective.

1.2 Necessity of Integrating Adjective Error Warnings in ECLDs
English-Chinese Learner’s Dictionaries regarded as helpful pedagogical tools forlearners are expected to provide essential guidance as Chinese EFL learners struggleto acquire the proper usage of English adjectives. Tono (1996) pointed out that if adictionary aims to meet learner’s needs, it should offer adequate information toaddress the problematical areas for language learners. While there are various ways toprovide such information, such as the presentation of learner’s columns, usage notes,glossaries, presenting error warnings is one of the most effective and popular ways .Many researchers have noticed the importance of presenting error warnings inlearners’ dictionaries because they found that dictionaries with proper error warningscan meet the learners’ needs to a greater extent and the pedagogical function of thelearners’ dictionaries can be better performed (Yuan Kele, 1994; Zhao Xueqin, 2000;Huang Yizhen, 2006). Carefully designed error warnings can help dictionaries users toknow the errors they may possibly commit and avoid committing similar errors.Recent published mainstream learner’ s dictionaries such as OALD 8th edition,LODCE 5th edition and CALD 3th edition provide error warnings, which have gainedincreasing popularity among dictionaries users compared to those domestic oneswhich rarely present error warnings. However, they might have failed to satisfyChinese EFL learners’ specific needs which can be partly attributed to the neglect oftaking the typical errors Chinese EFL learners tend to commit into consideration.Although Chinese EFL learners have difficulty in learning adjectives, proper errorwarnings have not been given in learner’s dictionaries. So, if ECLDs are targeted atChinese EFL learners, it is essential for them to provide satisfactory error warnings tohelp learners better acquire English adjectives.


A lot of previous studies have been devoted to studying learners’ errors and Englishadjectives, which are worth studying and examining when carrying out the presentresearch as the previous findings can be very enlightening.

2.1 Significance of Studying Learners’ Errors
In the past, learners’ errors were regarded as something unwanted, undesirable andshould be avoided. However, the popularity of new theories related to learners’ errorshave shattered those old beliefs. Researchers and teachers