

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2790
论文价格:200元/篇 论文编号:lw200611072256415700 论文字数:49301 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:博士毕业论文 Docotor Thesis
论吴语的时间标记 论 吴 语 的 时 间 标 记 (提 要) 本文是对吴语时间结构的系统研究。全文除引论、余论和三个附录外,共分四章。打印部分包括引论、第一章、第二章和两个附录。 引论说明三个问题:不用“体”而改用“时间结构”的原因,本文的研究思路和使用的方法,使用的材料及符号。 第一章提出了时间结构的理论,并对术语进行了比较明晰的定义,是本文的理论基础。 第二章是对吴语及汉语中三个相关标记----完成、实现和已然的描写分析,共分十个部分: 引言说明本章的总体思路 第一节至第六节是对吴语六个片的标记使用情况及类型的描述,同时提供基本的讨论。 第七节讨论标记从完成到实现的发展途径,以及积极型的完成跟消极型的完成在它们的标记虚化过程中和虚化之后所表现出来的差异。从另一个角度解释汉语中完成兼表延续的现象。 第八节讨论实现和已然的区分。指出它们无论在形式上还是语义上都迥然有别。它们反映了汉语表达时间关系的两种基本方式----时和位,并具有普遍意义。这一节还详细讨论了已然与将然的关系、已然的语义特征。同时,在跟英语的对比中总结它们表达时的不同的方式。 结语试图把“时间”因素引入方言的共性和类型的研究之中。 总之,本文的目的在于,通过以普遍的时间结构理论对吴语各方言的语言事实的描写分析,结合方言、普通话和汉语史事实的比较研究,总结出吴语乃至于汉语在时间范畴表达上的一些特点。 关键词: 时间结构 标记 实现 完成 已然 积极 消极 L1 L2 L3 On Temporal Markers In Wu Dialects (Abstract) This dissertation is a systematic study on the temporal structurein Wu dialects. It consists altogether of four chapters besides theperface, conclusion and three appendices.Applied here isthe preface,the first two chapters and two appendices. The preface accounts for 3 issues:(1).the reason for employing"temporal structure" instead of "aspect",(2).layout and methodology,and(3).symbols and data used in the dissertation. In the first chapter,I have proposed a temporal structure theoryand given formal definitions to the technical terms, which may serve asthe theoratical basis for the whole dissertation. The second chapter has 10 sections,describing and analyzing threerelevant markers----completion, realization and perfect in Wu dialectsand Mandarin Chinese: The introduction is a layout of the second chapter. Section 1-6 is a description and preliminary discussion of theusage and types of the markers in the six sub-dialects of Wu dialects. Section 7 discusses the evolution of the markers from completion torealization,and the discrepancies between positive and negativecompletion during and after functionalizing(虚化), which explains fromanother prespective why completive markers can also express the senseof continuation in Mandarin Chinese and some of Wu dialects. Section 8 deals with the distinction between realization andperfect from both a grammatical and a semantic perspective. Realizationand perfect reflect the two basic modes of expressing temporalrelations in Mandarin Chinese,i.e.tense and status, which alsocontributes to the study of language universals.This section alsodiscusses in detail the relationship between perfect and Jiang-ran(将然),and the semantic teatures of perfect.And in the meantime,by comparingChinese with English,their different ways of expressing tense are alsosummed up. In the conclusion,an attempt is made to bring the factor of "time"into the study of the universality and typology of dialects. In short,by describing and analying the language phenomena of Wudialects with a universal temporal structure theory and through acompartive study of dialects and Mandarin Chinese and the dataconllected throughout the histroy of the development of MandarinChinese, the dissertation tries to summarizing the characteristics oftemporal expression in Wu dialects and even in Mandarin Chinese. KEYWORDS: temporal structure marker completion  realization  perect positive negative L1 L2 L3 憙拑 目 录 引论 1.解题 2.方法 3.材料和符号 第一章 与时间结构有关的几组概念 1.时间轴和时间关系 2.事件和句子 3.时间范畴 4.事件、事件发生时间和参照时间 第二章 完成、实现和已然 零 引言 0.1 L3、L1和L2 0.2 目的 0.3 步骤 壹 太湖片 1.0 考源 1.0.1 “仔”和“哉” 1.0.2 哩 1.0.3 类型 1.1 L3 1.1.1 脱 1.1.2 好 1.2 L1 1.2.1 句法位置 1.2.2 语义特征 1.2.3 动态性 1.2.4 L1句和它的意义 句式:单句 句式:连动句和复句 句末的L1 1.2.5 先时