

日期:2022年03月26日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1151
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202203211145152779 论文字数:29666 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
e more adaptable, creative, knowledgeable, and thus become more closelyintegrated with society and even embrace good health (Fredrickson, 2004). In addition to what has been discussed, other hypotheses pertinent to the crucial role of positiveemotions are derived from Fredrickson’s theory that positive emotions can not merelyundo the lingering consequences of negative emotions, they can also increase anindividual’s psychological resilience and strengthen his/her psychological andphysical well-being.


Chapter 3 Research Methodology................... 19
3.1Research Questions................................19
3.2 Research Participants........................ 19
3.3 Research Instruments..................... 20
Chapter 4 Presentation of Results and Discussion.............................24
4.1 Teacher-related Factors on Junior High School Students’ FLE...................... 24
4.2 Categorization and Percentage of Teacher-related Factors on Junior HighSchool Students’ FLE................25
4.3 Differences of Various Types of Teacher-related Factors on Junior HighSchool Students’ FLE.............26
Chapter 5 Conclusion..................38
5.1 Major Findings...............................................38
5.2 Pedagogical Implications......................................... 39
5.3 Limitations of the Study............................................42
Chapter 4 Presentation of Results and Discussion
4.1 Teacher-related Factors on Junior High School Students’ FLE
All the 372 participants’ written pieces related to FLE-Teacher were coded in thepresent study. After the open coding, 24 teacher-related factors in junior high students’FLE were extracted from the narratives of the participants’ through the focused essays.Altogether 519 references were specified, including humor, clear enunciation ofinstructions, use of varied teaching aids, emotional support, and so on, which isdemonstrated in Table 4-1 as follows.


Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
This study has probed into the teacher-related factors underlying senior highschool students’ English classroom enjoyment from the perspective of learnersthrough collecting data of focused-essays and interviews. The analyses of the datashowed the major findings, which can be summarized as follows:
To begin with, through the open coding of the all the written pieces aboutFLE-Teacher, twenty-four factors were extracted from the narratives of the highschool students’ underlying their FLE, which include humor, patience, enthusiasm,responsibility, group work, video watching, role-play, something familiar andintriguing, learning strategies, foreign culture, clear teaching instructions, use ofvarious teaching aids, effective interactions between the teacher and the students,emotional support, instrumental support, informational support and appraisal support.
Second, following the axial coding, these twenty-four factors were categorizedinto five major categories, namely teacher character, teaching activities, teachingcontent, teaching skills and teacher support. More specifically, the category ofcharacter includes humor, patience, enthusiasm. responsibility and optimism; teachingactivities include group work, video watching and role-play; teaching content, beingthe third category, gets involved the coverage of something familiar and interesting,learning strategies, foreign culture and testing strategies; the category of teachingskills is concerned about clearly enunciated teaching instructions, the use of variousteaching aids and effective classroom interactions; and the last category of teachersupport is composed of emotional support, instrumental support, informationalsupport and appraisal support. Of all the five categories, teacher character wasmentioned most frequently in the focused essay writing, accounting for 31.7%, whichis also the largest percentage among all the five categories, followed by teaching activities (22.4%), teaching content (19.5%), teaching skills (15.8%) and teachersupport (10.6%).