

日期:2022年03月25日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:829
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202203181150575759 论文字数:36566 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
it. But the basic content involved is that word is the basic structure unit ofpronunciation, grammatical features and sentence. It is the combination of vocal soundsused in language to express ideas. So these views help us realize that we need to teach words from different areas, from shallower to deeper, and they have enriched the theoryof words teaching.
Word teaching is the teaching and learning of word knowledge under the guidanceof modern lexicology. It includes two aspects. One is that teachers teach students wordsin different situations with different word teaching methods. The other is that studentsunderstand and applicate word knowledge skillfully.
2.2 Word Teaching Methods and Meta-methods.
2.2.1 Word Teaching Methods
According to classification by Hu Chunlei (2020), Richard. J.C. & Rodgers. T. S(2000) and Shi Yun (2020), word teaching methods can be summarized as the following:
(1) Intuitive teaching method
Intuitive teaching is that teachers use the objectives things which can establish adirect contact between word and objective things. Usually, words are presented tostudents in the form of objects or pictures. For example, when teaching words aboutfruit, teachers can show students real fruit, such as apples, oranges, pears and so on, orshow them some pictures about different fruit. It is an ideal way to teaching words.
(2) Phonetic teaching method
Teachers teach word according to its pronunciation. There is a connection betweenthe phonetic symbol and the spelling of words. Usually, according to the pronunciationof words, students can spell them completely. We can see master the pronunciation is ofgreat help for students to understand and remember the words. It asks teachers to paymore attention on phonetic rules, which is closely related to the pronunciation andspelling of words.
(3) Word-formation method
Word-formation includes conversion, compounding and derivation.
1 Conversion
The word has a new meaning by changing its part of speech instead of its form, wecall it conversion. Here are some examples of conversion between nouns and verbs:name, land, fish, ship, water, etc. There are also some examples of conversions betweennouns and adjectives, such as wrong, poor, Russian, etc. What’s more, between verbsand adjectives, there are some words like complete, tidy, open, close and so on.初中英语教学论文参考
Chapter Three Methodology................................. 15
3.1 Research Questions.................................... 15
3.2 Research Subjects.........................................15
Chapter Four Results and Discussion................................22
4.1 Frequency of the Use of Word Teaching Methods and Meta-methods............. 22
4.2 Relationship Between Teaching Age and the Choice of Word Teaching Methodsand Meta-methods......................... 26
Chapter Five Conclusion................................................51
5.1 Main Findings of the Study.................................. 51
5.2 Implications and Limitations of the Study............................ 52
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
4.1 Frequency of the Use of Word Teaching Methods and Meta-methods


From the 4 point scoring scale table, this study take the middle value 2.5 as acontrast ratio, 60 subjects were tested, the maximum of intuitive method is 4, theminimum is 1, the average of institutive method is 3.27, which is higher than the ratio2.5. According to the teachers’ communication below, teachers usually use pictures,real object, or PPT to help with their teaching, which are easy and clear for students to understand words quickly and directly. In terms of combining sound, shape andmeaning method, the minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 4, and the mean valueis 3.17, which is higher than the contrast ratio 2.5. As we all known, sound, shape, andmeaning are basic components of a word, junior high school teachers usually pay moreattention to the basic knowledge, they spend a lot of time teaching student Englishwords from their pronunciation, shape, and meanin