

日期:2018年02月07日 编辑:ad201703301955106400 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1920
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201609091645569738 论文字数:42511 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
Chapter One Introduction

With the development of educational information technology, micro-class, microclassroom, micro lesson, micro lesson plan, micro video and other “micro” concepts arerapidly arising. These are actually a multitude of names. Micro concept is a truereflection of the upsurge of current micro-class. In order to adapt to the trend of Englishlearning being fragmented, the concept of micro learning has come into being. TheAustrian expert Lindner regards micro learning as a starting point and thinks that it is anew kind of learning style existed in the media ecosystem. It is in a new form oflearning model possessing micro content and micro media. The micro learning contentcontains texts, audio or video or other forms of media, which is mostly discussednowadays. Micro-class generally refers to a suitable class of 5-8 minutes long. It ownsmany micro video resources which can be regarded as a new teaching media. It canform the teaching content and teaching methods of effective presentation. And at thesame time, it has many advantages and characteristics which texts, images, animationand other media do not have. As a product of the combination of modern educationalinformation technology and modern educational thought, the micro-class is in line withthe requirements of the development of educational information. It can give full play tothe advantages of information technology. Micro-class is a kind of information teachingresources and can be used by all kinds of learners. Learners can easily share and usemicro-class through network and realize the popularization and development of highquality teaching resources.Now, the junior middle school English learning has different characteristics atdifferent stages, the first grade junior middle school English learning is a link betweenprimary school English learning and junior middle school English learning. It is like abridge and plays a transition role in them. English is not our native language, so it isdifficult for us to learn English well. But we can create a vivid and interesting teachingenvironment and maintain students’ interest in learning English. The first grade Englishlearning in junior middle schools is the watershed of English polarization. In this period,polarization of students’ English proficiency has become increasingly obvious. A part ofstudents in Grade One have fallen behind in English learning. In addition to their ownintellectual and non-intellectual factors, learning environment changes, the degree ofdependence on teachers, more learning courses, the increase of the difficulty of teachingmaterials, undeserved learning methods and factors to reduce the interest in English, allof these are restricting their progress. So students’ poor achievements in Englishlearning has become a serious obstacle to quality education and it is also a long-termproblem of English teachers.


Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Concepts of Micro-class

In our country, there are different versions of definition of micro-class. TheChinese micro-class sponsor Hu Tiesheng believes that micro-class shows teachers’knowledge points and exciting teaching content in video format under the guidance ofthe new curriculum requirements and the actual learning tasks and goals.The full name of micro-class is micro video course. Micro-class is a teaching videomainly presented around knowledge of a certain subject with examples and exercises. Itis also presented around difficult problems, the experimental operation of teachingprocesses and related resources. This appeared in the National Micro-class Competitionwhen the Ministry of Education Management Information Center gave the definition ofmicro-class in September 2012. They also positioned micro-class as a teaching resource.Mainly it includes micro video, micro lesson plans, micro courseware and otherresources.In April 2013, Jiao Jianli and Li Jiahou gave a definition of micro-classrespectively. But they had different opinions.Jiao Jianli (