2.2 Research at Home and Abroad
In foreign countries, micro video program (Micro-lecture) of the first prototype inthe University of Northern Iowa is proposed by Professor A. McGrew LeRoy inAmerica, it lasts 60 seconds (It is also called 60-Second Course), and the course isproposed by the British Napier University scholar T. P. Kee (The One Minute Lecture,referred to as OML). The micro video curriculum concept was hot in 2008. It was putforward by David Penrose who was the senior teaching designer of San Juan College inNew Mexico Institute and he was also an online service manager. He put forward fivesteps of the construction of micro video courses: a list of core concept teaching; awritten introduction of 15-30 seconds and the conclusion with the context as the coreconcept; a video of 1-3 minutes long; after class task design to guide the students toread or explore the curriculum knowledge which is set in the task of the course andteaching video; uploading to the course management system.Many foreign countries are related to micro-class learning resources andmicro-class resources are used rich in content. For the application of micro-classcurriculum in junior middle school teaching, there is the course work focusing on juniormiddle school students’ reading and writing abilities. Some foreign representatives of“micro” learning resources are as follows:Chapter Three Research Methodology..........23
3.1 Research Questions...... 233.2 Research Participants........... 23
3.3 Research Instruments....................... 24
3.4 Data Collection and Analysis...............24
Chapter Four Result Analysis and Discussion..............26
4.1 Result Analysis of Interviews............26
4.2 Result Analysis of Questionnaires..................29
Chapter Five Conclusion..................58
5.1 Major Findings of the Study...........58
5.2 Limitations of the Study.................59
5.3 Suggestions for Further Study...............60
5.4 Expectation...........61
Chapter Four Result Analysis and Discussion
4.1 Result Analysis of Interviews
In order to make an overall view of the present situation of the application ofmicro-class in English teaching in Peiming Junior Middle School, the author carries outan interview to collect information. 38 English teachers are interviewed and they arerequired to answer some questions through a private interview (please refer to AppendixOne for detailed content). Here are the excerpts of the interview of some Englishteachers:Writer: “What are the teachers’ teaching methods and students’ learning mode inour school?”Ms Li: “In teaching methods, teachers still use relatively simple and basic teachingmethod. In teaching, teachers occasionally take students as the center of teaching andcram the knowledge to students. The students are regarded as a container of ‘spoonfeeding’ teaching method. In the classroom more Chinese and less English is used, thenknowledge points are translated and explained, especially in grammar teaching.In the learning mode, students are basically passive receivers of the study, most ofthe students learn English by listening, taking notes and doing exercises, some studentslearn English by doing lots of exercises.”Writer: “Do you know micro-class?”Mr. Wang: “Yes, micro-class refers to a video whose time is within 10 minutes, it isa micro course which has a clear teaching objective, short content and