

日期:2018年05月09日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2048
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201512291044088777 论文字数:38569 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
ance for advancing teaching beliefs,promoting teaching behaviors and teaching approaches, enhancing classroom teachingefficiency. In addition, a serious survey is also a great guiding significance for Englishteachers' professional development, the formulating of teaching syllabus, the composingof teaching material, the extending of teaching methods, the communicating of teachers'experience and skills.

2.Literature Review

2.1 Teachers' Beliefs and Grammar Teaching Beliefs
Despite the problem of teachers' beliefs have been focused in the research field ofeducation and psychology in recent years, but a consistent definition of beliefs have not beenformed. The different concepts appear such as "education beliefs", "teachers' beliefs", and"teaching beliefs". The researchers at home confuse these different concepts and use themindiscriminately.Pajares (1992) thought that teachers' beliefs referred to teachers' firm views on teachingwork, the role of the teachers, students, course, learning, which cover teachers' practice andexperience to guide teachers' thoughts and behaviors. According to Williams and Burden(1997), teachers' beliefs could be roughly divided into teachers' beliefs in learning, teachers'beliefs in students and teachers' beliefs in themselves.Kagan (1992) proposed that teachers' beliefs were a kind of special and personalimplicit presumption about teaching practice, learning. Yu Guoliang, Xin Ziqiang (2000)defined teachers' beliefs as some view and understanding on the phenomenon of teaching andlearning. Zhaoyun, Hou Youguang (2007) argued that teachers' beliefs included everythingthey believe, no matter the beliefs were objective, explicit or subjective, implicit. Xie Yi(2010) held that the structure of teachers' beliefs was a systematic set of principles, generallyincluding the teachers' subjective and objective understanding of education, teaching, learningand students. Guo Xiaona (2008) thought that the core work of teachers was teaching.Teachers had a unique value system of judging on the essentials of teaching, the choice ofteaching content, the view on students' development and the relationship between teachersand students, the determining of teaching goal, the choice of teaching methods, the masteringof students' learning characteristic, and the using and filtering the way to teaching evaluation.The system could be called teachers' teaching beliefs.

2.2 Teaching Behaviors and Grammar Teaching Behaviors
Stem and Shavelson (1981) presented teaching behaviors pointed to the behaviors thatwere put out by teachers for maintaining and promoting students' learning. According tobehaviors theory, teaching behaviors referred to many essential factors such as behaviors'subject, object, community, tools, and rules. Every factor changed with the environment.Actually, teaching activities were made up of a series of purposeful teaching behaviors,teaching behaviors reflected teaching activities.Teaching behaviors are teachers' action of "teach" for the aim to finish teachingobjectives, which includes two aspects, the behaviors directly pointing to teaching contentsand the arrangement and management behaviors for ensuring the former behaviors carried outfavorably. Phipps and Borg (2009) pointed out that teaching behaviors were not purposeful,were controlled over by some teaching beliefs pointing to the certain teaching purpose,contents, target. If the in