

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:5095
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw200810100819551209 论文字数:48000 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title

Questionnaire-based Analysis of English learning Psychology and Teaching Solutions of Senior Grade 1 Students

[Abstract] Senior Grade 1 is quite different from the other grades in senior high school. It is a transition period from junior high school to senior high school. In this period, English teachers in senior grade 1 have to solve joint problems. As teachers, they may tackle them from the aspects of choosing teaching materials, teaching methods and students’ learning strategies. However, in this paper, students become a focus for teacher to teach. Teachers should change their teaching methods in accordance with their students’ learning psychology. Teachers should develop not only the students’ intellectual factors but also their non-intellectual ones, which are psychological factors. The teaching practice has proved that if teachers pay attention to psychological factors, they can activate the students’ potential motivation and highly motivate them. Therefore, senior middle school English teachers should change their attitude and teaching methods according to it. If so, teachers can help their students to overcome their harmful psychological obstacles and improve their study efficiency. Besides, teachers should help students to choose suitable learning strategies and tell them how to improve their study efficiency. Thus, based on the questionnaire investigated by the author, this paper analyzes the causes of difficulties in English learning from the aspects of personal psychology and social psychology. In addition, this paper lists some teaching solutions to overcome these difficulties.

[Key Words] Senior Grade 1; English learning; psychology; teaching solutions


[摘 要] 高一学习阶段不同于其他的高中阶段。它是初高中的衔接阶段,而如何处理好初高中英语衔接问题一直是困惑中学英语教师的一大难题。尽管可以从教材的选取、教师的教法、学生的学习方法等方面进行探讨,但本文作者认为,最重要的是要研究学习活动的主体——学生,要根据他们在这一阶段的英语学习心理特点来因材施教。教师不但要注意开发学生的智力因素,还要开发他们的非智力因素,即心理情感因素。教学实践证明,注意情感因素可以激活学生潜在的学习动机,变消极为积极,变被动为主动,变自卑为自信,大大提高学习效果。因此,针对高一学生英语学习中所出现的心理问题,采取行之有效的方法,不仅可以帮助学生克服不良的心理现象,而且可以提高学习效果。在此基础上,教师要帮助学生选择适合自己的有效的学习策略,教会学生如何提高学习效率。为此,本文作者在实验调查的基础上,从个人心理与社会心理两个方面对高一学生的英语学习心理状况进行了分析,并提出了加强和改进英语教学的对策。
[关键词] 高一学生;英语学习;心理状况;教学对策

1. Introduction
Senior Grade 1 is quite different from the other grades in senior high school. It is a transition period from junior high school to senior high school. So, there are a lot of joint problems in it. And it is very difficult for English teachers in Senior Grade 1 to solve them. The difficulties require the change of the attitude and teaching methods of English teachers. Teachers should develop not only the students’ intellectual factors but also their non-intellectual ones, which are psychological factors. The teaching practice has proved that if teachers pay attention to psychological factors, they can activate the potential study and motive the study effects. Thus, the psychological analysis of the students in English study shall be more important to the teachers who promote the students to make more progress in English.
In this situation, the author has investigated the English learning psychology of Senior Grade 1 students in No.7 middle school of Quanzhou. The number of the students who are investigated is 200. Among them, there are 100 boys and 100 girls. After the investigation, the author analyzes the investigation results from the following aspects: personal factors and social factors.

2. Personal factors
2.1 Motivation and attitude
2.1.1 Motivation
“Motivation is a term used to refer to some kind of driving force, either internal or external in human beings. In psychology, motivation consists of internal processes which spur us on to satisfy some need.”[1]
“Motivation in foreign language learning may be thought of as the incentive, the need, or the desire that the learner feels to learn the foreign language.”[2]
“In English learning, as in every other field of human learning, motivation is the crucial force that determines whether a learner embarks on a task at all, how much energy he devotes to