management, the time when managers decline to change or give employees options to work flexible schedules, they delay the process. Inflexible managers maintaining on supervision the actions of employees hold you back from becoming a more quick organization. Full policies can provide the support structure for managers to successfully manage work through various streams. They can further take extra step and develop some more productive policies to bring positive change in the company.
Strategic intelligence–战略情报
Strategic intelligence in simple words relate to collection of date, analysing that data and give that data to management to make strategic moves for the company. It is used when the company is in the mood to do something big or grand. It’s all about big change in the policy and procedures of the company. It’s when you are the person who is driving the whole company. All is done for making their business sustainable for long period of time.
Channel Intelligence–渠道智能
Channel Intelligence makes it easier for consumers to find and buy products online. It helps retailers, manufacturers and agencies determination product sales with its Shopping Engine Services and Where-to-Buy. It has dedicated team who helps you grow your business by enhancing promo offers on line, improve the quality of feed on the website, and make a user friendly experience for the customers.
The above picture shows three levels in which in first level only the products were made and sent to consumer, but in level second the requirements and demands were high of products so; there was a need of retailer to manage the products. In addition, the demand of products was increasing with each passing the day that is why organisation has to hire more retailers so that it would be easy to maintain the products. This is channel intelligence which has made it easy to find and buy products.
To put it in a nutshell, I would like to establish the above discussion; it is evident that the supply network created amongst different companies producing, handling and distributing a specific product. Specifically, the supply chain involves the steps it takes to get a good or service from the supplier to the customers, and how the different actors linked with each other’s, and how the channel intelligence makes it easy for customer to find and buy products online.