

日期:2018年02月08日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1535
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201706071808451519 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:帮写留学生作业
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科课程论文 BA Termpaper
tionalized than at present. The unquestioned cultural hegemony of the west is past. New patterns, fashions, confluences and mixtures are taking shape. Growing relationship between the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) and "Chime" (China, India, and Middle East) are increasingly changing all fact of global trends. An example is the "Korean wave" in East Asia -the popularity of Korean soap Operas, movies and music - which has already peaked. At the same time growing global interconnectedness directing towards cultural standardization and uniformization as in the sweep of consumerism, an example is the" McDonaldization", a short version of this momentum. (Sturges, 2005) (Yeniyurt and Townsend, 2003)

The opinion of (Ritzier, 2004) is McDonaldization affects not only the restaurants business but also education, works, leisure, the family and virtually everywhere .it has shown every indication of an unavoidable process, sweeping through the challenging tradition of the world. McDonalds is a global icon of fast food and a symbol of cheap and convenient food. One objection to this argument is that it is not true worldwide. Many countries namely, In Russia, Argentina, as in china people pay high prices for this American ambience visit (Asgary & Walle, 2002). It might be said that though McDonaldization process increases the level of cultural homogeneity but put forth a dominating impact upon many other countries' societies. However, there is an argument that there is no such thing as a "global consumer "one cannot distinguish among European, American, or Asian consumers because of the differences in their lifestyles across continents as well as the local regional and national level. For example, although there are clear differences between the EU countries, there is also a fundamental disparity in their value systems and lifestyles (Wierengn at all, 1996). A high level of consumption generally believed to be a symbol of the good life. Also global consumer culture detects that people are strongly believe in the unlimited ability and achievements of science and modern technology (Scholte, 2002); (Pieterse, 2009).

Tourism is one of the world's largest multinational economics activities .it involves the greatest flows of goods, services, and people on the surface of the earth, and it is therefore the most visible expression of globalization, Although the role and share of tourism in international trade is rising significantly the rapid speared of information technology has improved the efficiency of the industry operation as well as the quality of services provided to customers .it has also generated increased demand for new travel services (Reisinger, 2009).The development of sophisticated websites has allowed for the direct dissemination of travel information to potential clients. The internet has made travel products globally accessible at much lower cast. As a result customer demand has become more technology and internet -driven. From the post -modernist investigation (Williams, 2002) argues that tourism and hospitality organizations have to forget traditional marketing theory and market segmentation, instead, they should provide variety, and updating offering, so that people can consume as their wish without reference to a standardized expectation. Example of globalization in the accommodation sectors have included hotel corporation and chain creation, joint venture, franchising, management contracts, and consortia of independent hotels major international hotel groups included intercontinental Hotels (The united Kingdom) Accor (France) and cendant, Marriott, and star wood hotels and resor