

日期:2018年03月07日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3350
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201611250952298287 论文字数:3000 所属栏目:帮写留学生作业
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科课程论文 BA Termpaper

As it is known in the modern geopolitical realities that have been developed in the Eastern Europe as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union - Ukraine has gained at its importance and became the second military power state after Russia in the post-Soviet Eurasia space. The geopolitical position of Ukraine is determined by the proximity of the two states: Russia and Poland. The latter is a member of NATO and the European Union.This neighborhood effects the functioning of the country that could be virtually split into two different regions.

Most politicians and political analysts say about existence of the phenomenon called "two-faced Ukraine". The Dnieper River separates the country in the way the civilization cordon could do, creating insurmountable ideological chasm between two parts of the single country.One part of the Ukraine is closer to Russia - "pro-Russian" and the other - "anti-Russian" and "pro-Western" (Okara, 2007)

The eastern part of Ukraine is characterized by a significant share of the Russian population and Russian-speaking Ukrainians, mainly Orthodox believers. This is where the industrial potential of the country is concentrated.This leads to close personal and economic ties with Russia. The western part of the country, albeit with interruptions, was for a long time part of Poland and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which had a strong influence on the socio-cultural characteristics of its population. The Uniat Church dominates there and anti-Russian sentiments are widely spread. These facts manifest themselves in nationalistic slogans of some political parties and their orientation to the West. (Mirabdullaev, 2010)

After the collapse of the Soviet Union politics in Ukraine has largely been the product of the symbiosis of anti-Russian sentiments of the Ukrainian elite and the continued orientation of the majority of population to cooperation with the Russian Federation. Ukraine has been always balancing between the CIS and NATO. With Russia Ukraine has associated economic realities.It is dependent on Russian raw materials and energy by 80%, while demonstrating the most negative attitude towards the expansion and acceleration of integration with Russia and other countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Meanwhile, the official attitude of Ukraine to the CIS is that it considers Commonwealth as a mechanism for a civilized solution of problems that have arisen since the collapse of the USSR.Since Ukraine has not signed the CIS Charter, it does not consider itself as a member of Commonwealth, taking part in a number of bodies as an observer. Highlighted desire to consolidate the independence in all the ways has resulted in a refusal to participate in a multilateral military cooperation of the CIS, in the joint protection of external borders, position on the section of the Black Sea Fleet. The latter circumstance is well known and has contributed to a sharp weakening of Russia's position in the Black Sea basin, where, in addition, the strategic position of Turkey has also enhanced.

In general, in the East European region all CIS countries depend on Russian raw materials exports and energy.Russia practically ensures Ukraine with energy (90%). Industrial production in Ukraine and its end products is closely tied to cooperation with other CIS countries, primarily Russia.This dependence is 70%. However, Ukraine has a negative attitude to the expansion and acceleration of integration with Russia and within the CIS (Mirabdullaev, 2010).

Ukrainian and Russian society, like the vast majority of societies with state socialism past began their movement to a market economy and democracy at the turn of 1980-1990s with similar resources. In the collapse of the Soviet system they