

日期:2018年09月29日 编辑:ad201703301955106400 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2607
论文价格:100元/篇 论文编号:lw201605131029092991 论文字数:4204 所属栏目:帮写留学生作业
论文地区:澳大利亚 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment

1.0 Introduction 介绍

1.1 General Background一般的背景




The factual data for the NMIST Project was provided by the SKM geotechnical and hydrogeological investigation. For the design of civil structure projects, the understanding of the geological and geotechnical data obtained from site investigation is a necessary and an important step. 

1.2 Project Brief Description

In order to meet the sewerage requirements for the Upper Merri Creek and North Darebin Creek Catchments (northern suburbs of Melbourne) in the future, the suggestion has been developed as the NSSS which is proposed by YVM and MWC. Moreover, two stage projects have been identified as the main parts of the NSSS which are NSP-1 and NSP-2 respectively. 
The aim of NSP-2 is to construct a sewerage tunnel to transfer the Upper Merri Creek Main sewer, the Edgars Creek Intercepting sewer and the Central Creek sewer to the tunnel that has been designed in the NSP-1. 
Figure 1 shows the NSP-1 and NSP-2 projects related to the Melbourne’s Northern Sewerage System.
Abbreviation Index
SKM - Sinclair Knight Merz
NMIST Project - Northern Melbourne Interception Sewerage Tunnel Project
NSSS – Northern Suburbs Sewerage Strategy
YVW – Yarra Valley Water
MWC – Melbourne Water
NSP-1 – Northern Sewerage Project – Stage 1
NSP-2 – Northern Sewerage Project – Stage 2
1.0 Introduction 5
1.1 General Background 5
1.2 Project Brief Description 5
1.3 Project Background 6
2.0 Review and Interpretation of Factual Information 6
2.1 Assumed Tunnel Level and Dipping 7
2.2 Boreholes Location 8
2.3 Geological Settings and Intact Rock Description 9
2.3.1 Geological History & Description 9
2.3.2 Groundwater Conditions 10
3.0 Unconfined/Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS) 11
3.1 UCS in Basalt 11
3.2 UCS vs Moisture Content 12
3.3 UCS vs Dry Density 12
3.4 UCS vs Point Load Index(IS(50)) 13
4.0 Rock Mass Classification (RMC) Systems 13
4.1 Rock Quality Designation (RQD) 13
4.2 Geological Strength Index (GSI) 14
4.3 Bienawaski’s Rock Mass Rating (RMR) – Geomechanics Classification 15
4.4 Tunnelling Quality Index or Q System 16
4.5 The Applications of Q System and Tunnel Excavation Suggestion 17
4.6 Rock Mass Classification (RMC) – A Summary 18
5.0 Deformation Modulus 18
6.0 Discussion and Recommendation 19
7.0 References: 20
Appendix 1: NIS – 2 Project; Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Factual Report; Top/Base of Geological Units 21
Appendix 2: Geological Cross Section of Study Area for NIS-2 Project 22
Appendix 3: UCS Values and ISRM Classification (International Society for Rock Mechanics) 23
Appendix 4: RQD, RMR and Q with Descriptive Quality of the Rock Mass 24
Appendix 5: Linear Correlation between Is(50) and UCS (Lecture Notes) 24
Appendix 6 : GSI Interpretation and the Relevant Classification Table (Lecture Notes) 25
Appendix 7: Bieniawaski’s Rock Mass Rating (RMR) System 26
Appendix 8: Classification of Individual Parameters Used in the Tunnelling Quality Index Q 27
Appendix 9: Classification of Rock Mass Based on Q-Values 29
Appendix 10: Diagram of Q System Application 29
Appendix 11: Deformation Modulus – Parameters & Equations 30

6.0 Discussion and Recommendation 讨论和致谢

Based on the consequences obtained from the previous sections, the discussion and recommendation for the NIS-2 Project will be given as follows:
Tunnel Support: based in the previous estimations of Q system and RQD ranking, the Basalts are in good condition and the related support system can be rock bolts.
Tunnel Excavation: refer to Section 4.5
Tunnel Construction: full-face mechanical excavation. Based on the previous analysis, the Basalts condition is good.
Future Recommendation: the consideration of erosion will be highly recommended for NIS – 2 Project. The tunnel is for sewage transportation therefore, the erosion could be a problem for the tunnel building materials and