
经典Academic Essay写作方法(附Academic Essay范文一篇)

日期:2021年01月16日 编辑:ad200904242025371901 作者 点击次数:2639
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202101151754273993 论文字数:2257 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:其他 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment

由于疫情的原因,很多本该2020年9月入学的学生,都被学校delay到了2021年年初,小编的好几个学生也是这样,最近在家积极预习,希望能在入学后尽快融入到英语学习氛围当中,不掉队。那么作为即将入学的准留学生,大部分应该都考过雅思托福,对Essay都不会太陌生,但是雅思考试写Essay相对于即将面临的专业Academic Essay还是略有不同。Academic Essay是某类科学领域,在广泛现有知识的基础上,对某一问题进行论述,阐明自己的新观点,利用已有的材料(知识),阐述自己的新见解。那么学生们想要把一篇Academic Essay写好就必须先对于它的结构有一个清晰的了解和认识。

经典Academic Essay写作

一般来说Academic Essay的结构分为4个部分:Introduction,Body, Conclusion, Reference。

1. Introduction:

Introduction的作用是让教授或者读者对将要读到的这篇Essay有个清晰的认识,分为三部分: 第一部分用Topic句子引出你将要写的这篇论文主题。第二部分,提供一些与该主题相关的背景,或给出统计数据来显示该主题的重要性,或提供该主题相关重要性的例子。第三部分起到承上启下的作用。在看完Introduction后,教授对你将要呈现出的essay是有个大致预判的,而不是在看完Introduction后还一头雾水不知道你这篇想写什么。Introduction字数一般占全文的10-15%左右即可。宗旨:简单陈述主题以及重要性,缩小主题范围,让读者大致你了解将要写的内容。

2. Body:

这是论文主体部分,占总字数70-80%左右。如果教授布置的作业做了具体要求,就根据作业提到的几个方面来逐一讨论就可以。如果作业没有作具体要求,就根据自己的构思来写,但必须有逻辑性而且围绕着Topic,紧扣主题。一般提出2-3个不同的论点(可根据论文字数要求增减),逐一进行每个论点单独分析,提供论据。这也意味着Body部分在2-3个段落左右,段落与段落的论点不同,所以段落之间要有过渡句,保持连贯性。每个单独的段落都是独立,即包含第一句的Topic和最后一句的结尾总结,以及中间的主体句子和支撑的论点论据,因此每个段落最好不要少于四个句子。那么在几个段落的顺序安排方面,加上合适的过渡词语(句),最好还有一定的逻辑性。值得注意的是一个段落有且只有一个主要观点,学术论文讲究清晰明了,不要太复杂,让读者不知道你想表达的观点到底是哪个,混淆、复杂、不易理解都是Academic Essay的大忌。宗旨:越简单易懂、清晰明了越好。如果你还不知道要写多少,要分几个论点,请一定及时和教授沟通。


3. Conclusion:

Conclusion放在文章的最后其实就是对整篇Essay的总结,用总结性的简洁语言复述以上这篇论文的观点,你所要表达的东西,再次亮明你的主题。其字数大概占10-15%。宗旨:总结复述本篇论文的中心思想,Body中没有提及的新的论点,千万不要在Conclusion 中提及。

4. Reference:



下面是一篇优秀的Academic Essay范文赏析:

It can be said that a growing trend of overconsumption, particularly in Western industrialised nations is rising considerably. This phenomena extends to a wide range of goods and products which at one time were built to be repaired and reused, but now deemed too expensive to do so, are simply tossed aside to make way for a brand new version of themselves. Also, it can be said that in these same developed nations especially, individuals consume and purchase far too many products, which are all too quickly consumed and not re-used, repaired nor recycled and after their usefulness has passed, are simply discarded or sent to landfill refuse sites. The overconsumption of goods and products therefore is seen as one of many common problems arising in the 21st Century and will continue to be ever more problematic until action is taken. As populations rise and become more affluent and developed, the consumption of goods and natural resources generally tend to grow exponentially and in many cases unsustainably leading to serious consequences. This essay will therefore discuss some of the main reasons for why overconsumption has become a worrying issue and a detrimental trend in the modern world. Also, possible strategies in which to reduce this growing epidemic in the future will be outlined and explored.

The reasons for overconsumption in modern developed societies could be said to be somewhat complex and not only linked to many countries’ greater affluence but also to satisfy individuals’ personal needs. Bourdieu (1984) states that in modern society, consumer patterns and buying behaviour represent an individual’s way of expressing the particular group to which they identify with in society. However, it could be stated that the main reasons for this increasing trend tend to be linked to industrially developed and developing societies of nations generally becoming more affluent; as well as the rise of modern machinery which can produce goods cheaper and more efficiently than ever before. A further factor could also be outlined in that a globalised economy is helping to buy and exchange goods on an immense international scale; which is further enhanced through global internet trading and increased economies of scale in modern manufacturing. Consequently, it can be deduced that it is mainly these phenomena which are driving the over consumption of goods in modern day society. Pape et al. (2011, p. 26) state that‘overconsumption in industrialised countries still presents major challenges to achieving sustaina