
家庭演变:在瑞典南部中国移民家庭的跨国生活The changing face of home: the transnational lives of the Chinese immigrant families in south Sweden

日期:2018年01月28日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1205
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201708251425578319 论文字数:19045 所属栏目:帮写thesis论文
论文地区:瑞典 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
1. Introduction介绍

‘Chinese immigrant’ has been defined as persons recognizing themselves as Chinese, who have departed from their country of origin to live and work in another country. Vietnamese of Chinese descent have not been considered (Elizabeth Sinn 1998: 142).

“中国移民”被定义为中国人,他们已经离开原籍国在另一个国家生活和工作。越南的中国血统没有被考虑(Elizabeth Sinn,1998:142)。本文研究探讨的是瑞典华人移民这一特殊群体,讨论不同的方面从过去到现在,和当他们搬到这里时,怎么适应环境和家庭的变化,还有什么改变自身家庭的因素。作者通常会将研究对象分为早期的中国移民,第二代(在Swedeis的时间不长,中国移民史上的第三代太年轻),和出生在瑞典的那一代。
The research paper is to investigate the Chinese immigrants in Sweden-- this special group in Sweden, discuss diverse of aspects of them, from the past when they move here till nowadays, to know about if they adapt to the environment and the changing of home, and what else have changed for themselves after the change of their home. The writer will generally divide the research objects into the early Chinese immigrants, and the second generation (As the history of Chinese immigrants in Swedeis not very long, the third generation are too much young) which were born in Sweden. 

这项研究的目的是研究瑞典的生活状况,进入家庭,调查他们的心态,工作,朋友,孩子和生活;要了解更多关于瑞典这一群体,当他们面对家庭的变迁时,他们正在改变什么,借助于方法论和理论来分析他们的身份,宗教和行动能力。同时,作者也以同样的方式进行干预,本研究将在本文中展示,进一步帮助社会了解。The aim of this research paper is to deeply study their status of life in Sweden, go into their family internal and investigate their state of mind of work, friends, children and life; to know more about this group of people in Sweden, when they faced the change of home, what things are changing with them, with the help of methodology and theory to analysis their identity, religion, and mobility. At the same time, the author has joined their activities and done interviews for them, the research will show in this paper, further to help the society to understand them more, and consider if society and government should treat them differently. 

In Chapter 5, it will trace back to the origin of the Chinese people moved to Sweden, they immigrated for different reasons, mainly because of hard work, environment or political reason. Most of the Chinese immigrant parents claim that they have sacrificed for their children’s better future in Sweden. They would expect that their children achieve as highest level of education possible, help move the family up to middle-class status, and, most importantly, take care of the parents when they are old and frail. (Ramaswami Mahalingam 2006: 315).  This condition corresponds to the Chinese traditional thoughts. “Moving three evictions” and “raising children for old time” are supporting this view in traditional Chinese culture. Deviation from these expectations is considered a disgrace or failure on the part of the family and is sanctioned by the family and even entire ethnic community.

In Chapter 6 the author will analysis their “identity” with transnational factors. This group also encounters many difficulties during the relocation and moving process, such as language terminal values are big problems. At the same time, there is contradiction existed in the education that a family gives to children is to keep the Chinese traditional way or use a completely westernized way which suited to Swedish society, and in the when the second generation child process of growing up the conflict with their parents are more acute. It will be analyzed with details in Chapter 7.

It is not easy, however, for immigrant families to enforce these cultural values and behavioral standards and guarantee that familial expectations are met, because of vulnerabilities associated with parental foreign birth, intense bicultural and intergenerational conflicts, and different paces of acculturation between parents and children (ibid: 316). As it is a special group, as they are a part of Swedish society, the group should be paid attention to, and it is worthy to do research on them. In common sense, Chinese people like lively lifestyle and like to be focused on, after migrating to Sweden they have found that Sweden’s natural environment and