ty are not willing to take Malay Reservations as security. The banks consider that when foreclosure proceedings are contemplated against defaulting borrowers, they will face difficulties when finding bidders for such property.
The pathetic truth is that, in pace with the restricted access to credit, the individual owners hard to get their loan from the bank to develop their own land. Overall, they can just grip firmly the property, but cannot generate profits from it. The Malay reserved land has become idle and undeveloped across the nation.
4.3 Other Problems Faced by Malay Reservation's Owners
A report made by Bernama on Feb 3 2009 shows that DBKL admitted that Malay reservation settlement is lagging behind the term of development, infrastructures apart from being plagued by poverty and unhealthy environment.
As mentioned above, the legislation restriction is actually not providing a comprehensive protection over the Malay reservation. Some of the problems remained unsolved and overlooked by the State authorities. The Malay reservation owners are still facing problems such as lack of incentive to develop, location and infrastructure issues, and multiple ownerships and size issue.
4.3.1 Location and Infrastructure Issues
Tracing back to the historical background of Malay reservation, most of the Malay reserved land were allocated at urban and remote areas. The geographical factor has rendered the Malays who stay on reserved land to work in agriculture. Many of them cultivated the land for farming. Due to that, their incomes are meagre and only sufficient to feed their family.
During the period where education was vigorously being emphasized in the whole nation, they are the community who was neglected. Some of them were just normal folks and did not know the importance of education. There is very little education institution around the area, most of the schools are simple, crude and lacked of facilities. The education level of youngsters was below the average.
As a consequence of poverty and lacking of education, the individual owners lack of capacity to develop their properties. On the other hand, the restriction imposed on the land is just like salt added to the injury, renders the land becomes not valuable.
Besides, most of the Malay reserved lands are facing the problem of substandard infrastructure and inadequate community facilities. For many of Malay reservation sites are in areas where infrastructures and services are minimal or non-existence.
According to the Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2020 done by Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur, most of the Malay reservations are facing the problem of substandard living conditions. [4] It is due to the ad-hoc additions and alterations have been carried out to existing buildings. To cater for the growth of extended families, single dwellings have been converted to multiple dwelling units. In addition dwellings have been converted to incorporate shops, workshops and light industries which are incompatible with the residential component. Buildings have been also expanded to occupy the full extent of their sites leaving little or no room for setback area. These haphazard developments have resulted in substantial living conditions. As a consequence of the haphazard development of the