
法学院Personal Statement指导范文

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1933
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201010271527281001 论文字数:3654 所属栏目:帮写thesis论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
out compromising your meaning?</P> <P>DO be relevant. Your statement should convey information which the reader doesnt have. That information should be about you. Writing about things you have no personal knowledge of or things which have happened to others tend to be non-personal, generally undercutting the purpose of a “personal” statement.</P> <P>DO be diligent in your attention to detail. Unfortunately, Admissions Committees look for easy things to reject personal statements like misspellings, typos, and poor grammar.</P> <P>DONT be theoretical. For example, an essay on “law is the fabric that holds society together” or “the value of law to a civilized society” is usually playing to an audience/committee of admissions deans and law professors, so your effort may come off as naïve (obviously not your intent). Writing about something the committee doesnt know (like yourself) is more likely to be impressive (obviously that is your intent!). Remember, this is not an academic exercise to demonstrate some newly acquired knowledge; its a personalization of your application.</P> <P>DONT use quotes and DON’T title your statement. Quotes are usually the ideas of others, and often presage a theoretical discussion, which, as stated above, is best to avoid. In fact, more than a few law school Admissions Deans have made specific mention on how quotes set their teeth on edge, especially when they occur in the first sentence. The “theme” of your statement should come through to the<A href="http://www.51lunwen.org/">www.51lunwen.org</A> reader(s) without having to title it.</P> <P>DON’T use the personal statement to explain a low GPA or LSAT score. Include a separate “supplemental statement” to explain the reason for a semester of poor grades or the fact that you historically do not do well on standardized tests. This information is important for the Admissions Committees to receive, but not in your personal statement.<BR></P>