
Literature Review Sample

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:4377
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201010101506157280 论文字数:3000 所属栏目:帮写thesis论文
论文地区:瑞典 论文语种:English 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
相关标签:Literature Review Sample
nd their strength enhanced, the relationship with suppliers became the negotiating relationship based on the intelligence. Purchaser used their strong procuring ability to encourage suppliers to maintain the good relationship with them, but in fact, they continued to impose the pressure of price and delivery on the suppliers, which make the suppliers angry but helpless, so the suppliers treated the purchasers bad when the market was in short supply. This kind of bad attitude strengthened the insecurity of purchasers and made them treat the suppliers more strict, that was a vicious circle. When the corporations developed to the successful integrated phase, the relationship between corporations and suppliers had a change in quality, and the cooperation and solving problem together became the symbol of the relationship between corporations and suppliers. Both them waked up to that the long term benefit can not be got based on the intelligence, and so they treated each other frankly. Trust that the other side will meet their commitments is the basis of cooperation, and the corporations and suppliers begin to share their own secrets, cooperate to develop the products and improve the process.<BR>Thomas divides the relationship between corporations and suppliers into two levels: adaptation and operation. Adaptation is seemed as that corporations and suppliers can adapt themselves fast to meet the other’s requirements according to the needs. Adaptation includes the given tangible and intangible <A href="http://www.51lunwen.org">www.51lunwen.org</A> investment, and the investment range from human resources to provide assistance to the reform process to simplify the order of both interaction costs. Adaptation may also include the new products or new services provided for strengthening the relationship between each other, and the initiative, positive and deep adaptation will create conditions for the cooperation between the two sides. The cooperation means that the two sides work together for the same object, and it is the necessary part for establishing the relationship channel of both sides. The cooperation presumes that trust each other, think for each other, the business strategy include each other and even including the integration of corporate culture. The cooperation is a kind of higher level adaptation, which is a positive, mixing adaptation.<BR>Cousins(1999) used the improved relationship cycle figure to describe the relationship between suppliers and corporations, and point out that the ways to improve the relationship between them based on the PDCA cycle figure. <BR>The most of present literatures about supplier relationship management can be classified into the two kinds: one is the sublimate supplier relationship, which means corporations maintain a tight cooperative partnership with all of the suppliers; the other is that practical supplier relationship management mode, which means corporations just maintain the cooperative partnership with limit suppliers according to the requirements of themselves.<BR>Amelia and Larry (1999) advanced and proved that the four assumptions of implementing strategic procurement in supply chain through the investigation and analysis of procurement manager, and the four assumptions are that the strategic procurement is related to the four factors which include the responsibility of suppliers to the procuring demand, the markets of suppliers, the communication between members in supply chain and the performance of suppliers, which implies that the formation of the relationship between corporations and suppliers is based on certain conditions.<BR>From the perspective of suppliers, the main reasons for them can not maintain the cooperative partnerships with corporations include:<BR> Be not optimistic about the potential benefits of keeping the partnership with corporations, especially in the supplier management inventory mode, many sup