

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201410131153577047 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1771
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201410272356018391 论文字数:5122 所属栏目:Paper写作
论文地区:澳大利亚 论文语种:English 论文用途:作业/作文 composition





1 -迁移的问题

1 - 1迁移的定义



International Migrations And Their Effect On The Economies

People may love to move from one place to another, only to preserve their standard of living. They may move separately or in groups, for so long term. Obviously, the human movement can be either psychological or physical. This depends on the target of the migration. Migration was practiced previously and is continued nowadays along with the globalization.

The migrants or as known as immigrants can affect and influenced by many issues, economical one. The results gained from migration are varied, but experts argue that the country's economy receiving the migrants are the most influenced than any other place.

This paper illustrates an in-depth analysis of the impact of international migration of the economies. Conclusion is provided to summarize many details mentioned in the paper, and a reference list is enclosed.

The Issue Of Migration

According to experts, migration means the large groups' movements from a place to another one, basically for political or economical causes. The common migrants are the Bantu, Vikings, Arabs, Germans, and Huns, (Hall, 2007).

On the other hand, the seasonal migration, which is corresponding with the full population's seasonal movements, is referring to their movement from one area to another. This is such as a response to many issues changes like food supply or temperature. Yet, migration can be defined also as the movement from the native place to settle in others. It is the act of location change of places in order to find most suitable one, (Tripodi, 2007).

The international migrants are the individuals who are leaving their own country to another foreign one for many involved reasons. Usually this type of migration has its huge impact on the new received country, basically economical one, (Hall, 2007).

Migrations' Types

Migrations have many types, which are corresponding with two sides, the left country and the received country of migrants. One can notice the periodic migration, which includes the pastoral farming, military services, and as well the migrant labor, (Tripodi, 2007).

Additionally, there is the cyclic migration that includes nomadism, seasonal migration, and commuting too. As to migratory movement, it refers to the movement of migrants from the far east of the country to its western side. As example of this type is the movement from Chinese from their country to the southern side of Asia. This type of migration can be noticed as well in the American and European movement to Israel.

Yet, migration can be classified according to the locality. Hence, one can observe the migrants movements from their rural parts to capital or greater cities of their own country. International migrations are playing the most important part nowadays in globalization. This type of migration has its huge influence on many issues involved, (Hall, 2007).

Migrations' Reasons

Along with explaining the types of migration, the matter deserves to mention the causes in behind these movements. No doubt that there are many important reasons, which must be considered, (Tripodi, 2007).

Over more than hundreds years, the migrations' reasons have changed. In past centuries, particularly in the 19th Century, the migration of labor had their causes, which are varied from the causes of migration nowadays. In one of African countries, as an example, the obstacles and barriers were the reasons of Nigerian migrants during 1980s. Moreover, there are those environmentally, cultural, political, and economic elements, which cooperated strongly in increasing