
英语口译paper帮写-short memory and language production and enhance the interpreter’s initiative in interpreting

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201011041017385627 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3278
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201202061730362436 论文字数:1254 所属栏目:Paper写作
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科课程论文 BA Termpaper
aper and suggestions for the study in this field are discussed and explored. In the second part, chapter one is the literature review of the studies of this field with a view to find the limitations in previous studies. Chapter two is the introduction of the theory framework including the definition, principle and three aspects of schema and information theory. Chapter three is the study of the definition and features of consecutive studies as well as the basic requirements of interpreter’s quality. Gile’s multi-effort model is also included in the framework. Chapter four and five is the case study of the impact of schema on the comprehension and language production in consecutive interpretation. Chapter six is the discussion of this study.

Chapter1 literature review
1.1 Restatement of the purposes and hypothesis
  The purpose of this paper is to study, within the framework of Gile’s multi-effort model, the impact of schema theory on the process of consecutive interpretation and examine the role of schema of an interpreter in comprehension and language production namely the information reorganization process.
Hypothesis: a. Are the principles of schema a contributing factor for an effective and exact comprehension?
 b. Can schema be helpful for short memory?
c. Can schema be a contributing factor for production?
1.2 Background Information  1.1.1 Background information for schema theory:
   It is the German idealist philosopher Immanuel Kant proposed the notion of schema in his classic works of Critique of Pure Reason (1781). Kant’s view of schema is a psychological point of view in discussing understanding in that he holds that schema is a transcendental product of imagination (Kant, 1781:118) distinguishable from the image. Schema is a concept of certain things or event that can be represented and presented in imagination as an image. It is the tool we use to subsume sensory experiences into our intellectual conception and it can be stimulated by our reasoning.       The term of schema was presented by Briton Psychologist F. C .Bartlett in his book Remembering: A study in experimental and social psychology in 1932 after which scholars began to conduct research related to schema under the name of schema. The purpose to write this book is to approach the remembering and he cites the experiments by Sir Henry Head, a neurologist who introduces the concept of organized models of ourselves(Head, 1920:607), namely, organized mass of experiences. Under the influence of Head, Bartlett holds that schema has a characteristically personal flavor (Bartlett, 1995:213) just as memory does. Bartlett used the term schema and conducted experiments to explore schemas as cultural constructs in memory, and this is the work most widely cited by schema theorists working in the cognitive era (Saito, 1996). Bartlett's research and writing point to schemas as more than in-the-head phenomena and provide a basis for thinking of them as patterns that extend beyond the knower into the social and cultural world (Saito, 1996, 2000). It is fair to say Barlett starts the modern research on schema. Bartlett discussed schema as an "organized setting" and not as some uniform feature of the mind (Bartlett, 1932/1961, p. 200). Schemata in such a view (i.e., Bartlett's) are not knowledge structures stored in the brains or minds of individuals for the interpretation of experience, but functional properties of adaptations between persons and their physical and social environments. (p. 202)     Among Barlett’s peers, Jean Piaget is a prominent figure who holds that schema is also the central meditational construct in Jean Piaget's (1952) structural theory of the origins and development of cognition. For Piage