Based on the comparative study above made, euphemisms are more popular not only for the historical reasons, but also the needs of times. Lin Zhenyue(1994) notes:
Euphemisms may be based on different cultures and histories, the psychological and linguistic patterns underlying their formation are the same. Psychologically, if not linguistically, meaning can be defined as the sum of our responses to a word or an object. Words themselves may be seen as responses to stimuli. After a word has been associated for a long period of time with the stimulus that provokes it, the word itself picks up aspects of the response elicited by the stimulus object(P59).
From the day they came into being, English euphemisms play the role of social lubricator. Without them, the world will be full of conflicts and the social order will be in chaos.
Liu, Chunbao(1994).Foreword.“ A Dictionary of English Euphemisms. ”Nanjing Jiangsu Education Press, 3-12.
Lin, Zhenyue(1994). “A Brief Analysis of English Euphemisms’ Functions and Expression.” Journal of Fuzhou University, 58-62.
Neaman, Judith S(1990).Introduction.“ Kind Words: A Thesaurus of Euphemisms.” New York: Facts on File,1-14.