

日期:2018年01月23日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1394
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201708171839245283 论文字数:37485 所属栏目:英语毕业论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
Chapter One Introduction

It is generally acknowledged that the coherence relationship and their linguisticmarkers can express meanings at different “levels” of the discourse. Causalconnectives are also one basic way for the use of cohesions in written English, theymake written English coherent and well organised. By researching the use of causalconnectives, people can find a proper way to use them when they are writingacademic papers.

1.1 Research Background
In the process of writing academic papers, the primary problem that concerns ourscholars is how to correctly and appropriately use logical connectives. The use ofconnectives not only relates to the logical relationship between each sentence in theprocess of the formation of the discourse, but it also reflects the real thoughts of theauthors. If authors can always correctly and properly use connectives, they will makethe papers clear and logical, as well as distinct in structure. In this manner, they cancorrectly guide the reader to understand the points of views and ideas of theirparticular paper.Many authors, however, cannot freely use correct logical connectives to describetheir own thoughts completely and appropriately, due to the limitation of theirlanguage environment and lexical expression. For those non-foreign languagestudents, this problem is even more prominent. Especially in recent years, along withthe continuous development of theory and practice of finance and economy in ourcountry, a large number of experts and scholars have started to emerge onto the stageof international academic exchanges, to convey our country’s latest researchachievements in economic fields. However, due to the differences in language usageand habits between eastern and western world, it is not common to see publishedpapers authored by our country’s scholars in world-renowned academic journals.

1.2 Research Significance
The significance of causal connectives is firstly established through theimportance of the causal relationship. Causal relationships are the core method todescribe and perceive the interaction between languages around the world. Causalrelationships affect the analysis of texts, for example, causal relationship relate totransfer information correctly. Based on this, it is important to understand the waycausal relationships are used in language transfer (Kennedy, 1992). Louis Trimble, afamous linguist in America, maintains that it is worth understanding the causalrelationship. A basic way to express the causal relationship is to use causalconnectives to connect the causal relationship.Causal connectives are the conjunction that expresses the causality in discourse;it plays a key role in the explanations within the writing of academic papers. Duringthe process of writing academic papers, the authors mainly use proper causalconnectives to convey the causality relationship between the sentences, to increase theargument tone in order to show the relationship between arguments and clearreasoning. Causal connectives also serve as a dual connection between logic andsemantics to further enhance the cohesion and synergy of the paper as a whole. As many researchers have shown, the specific application of causal connectives, cancreate extensive problems for language students when causal connectives are used, itis especially problematic for non-English students who have not been taughtprofessionally (for example financial or economic scholars who have not beenspecifically taught English). Due to the differences of the usage of languagebehaviours, it is easy for economic scholars to feel confused when they seem tochoose the proper causal connectives, but use the incorrect causal connective, as thescholars view the causal connectives as having similar meanings. Whether to usecausal connectives or not, where to place them and how to choose the correct one, allthese problems have always troubled scholars in our country. This is directlycorrelated to the difficulty, in the last three d