

日期:2018年03月02日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2155
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201508011427122960 论文字数:36254 所属栏目:英语毕业论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
81) holds the views that the student increases language storage capacity through listening toor reading the languages. Through speeches or the rest kinds of the interactions between the students heor she can use the language in real life with their own free exchanging, expressing their ideas to each otherwhatever they want to express. It can also find something that belongs to theirs own understandings of thelanguage through interaction.Robinson (1994) argues that face-to-face interaction, in which two people face to face communication,the communication can not only refers to the verbal communication, also can be nonverbal communication,or written communication.Chaudron (1988) talks about interaction into specific of the classroom interaction between teachersand students, the interaction makes students get exercise, and affects the surrounding students, the teacher’swords also affects the students to understand, the whole class to form a interaction.To conclude, classroom interaction is the harmonious process of teaching and learning involvinglanguage, acts, thoughts and feelings with meaning negotiation. Classroom interaction is composed of theverbal and non-verbal communication between the teacher and the students inside the classroom, includinginteraction between individuals, small groups, or the entire class.

2.2 Reading proficiency
As we all know that our knowledge of the whole world is usually acquired through reading which iswidely considered to be one of the most direct and effective ways. With no doubt that reading is a prettyimportant part in second language teaching and learning. As Mori, S. (2002) said, “Reading is good forlanguage acquisition; it promotes better spelling, better writing skills, higher reading comprehension and amore advanced vocabulary.”Many researchers held different opinions towards reading during the past decades. Anderson (1999)claims that reading is a kind of interaction between the author and the reader. In addition, the process ofreading is also the interaction between readers and their understanding. Smith (1978) pointed out that“reading is essentially have actively dynamic activities; they have not passive direction has a purpose,depends on the readers’knowledge reserve”.According to Forrest Pressley and Waller (1984), reading is not just a process of a literalsymbol breaking down or only a process of understanding the deep meaning, but also a “decomposition andunderstanding”.

Chapter III Research Methodology...... 16
3.1 Research questions..........16
3.2 Subjects...........16
3.3 Instruments......17
3.4 Process of this research...........18
3.5 Data collection and analysis...........19
Chapter IV Data Analysis and Discussion........... 20
4.1 Data analysis and discussion of the questionnaires........20
4.1.1 Data analysis and discussion of the first questionnaire.......20
4.1.2 Data analysis and discussion of the second questionnaire..........23
4.2 Results and analysis of the interview..... 25
4.3 Data analysis and discussion of the texts....... 26
Chapter V Conclusion.........32
5.1 Summary and major findings of the research.........32
5.2 Implications for English Teaching and Learning...........34
5.3 Limitations of the Present Research.......34

Chapter IV Data Analysis and Discussion

4.1 Data analysis and discussion of the questionnaires
The first questionnaire (Appendix I) is designed with the purpose of knowing about the currentsituation of the English reading in the class where the study is to be conducted. The students are asked toanswer the questions on a five-point scale. Before the exper