

日期:2018年03月23日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1972
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201409011125365849 论文字数:35100 所属栏目:英语毕业论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
ricts ranks of constraints that can establish theevaluator system to justify the optimal candidate.  Ranking. Constraints are ranked on a basis of a particular language. The idea ofminimal violation (satisfaction) is defined with regard to the ranking principle.Among the 3 basic principles, violability & ranking are the most crucial. Onelanguage form cannot satisfy all the constraints. T

2.2 Literature Review
The development of SLA of phonology abroad experienced from languagetransfer initially, universal principles continuously to optimality Theory at present.The theoretical and empirical hypotheses prove that OT is more comprehensive,encompassing model in andyzing in the phenomenon of phonology, in both LI andL2.Before the application of OT,most of the L2 phonological researches still rely onnative language transfer as the theoretical basis. The contrastive Analysis ofHypothesis (CAH, hereafter) is the main theory to guide native language transfer.Some linguistics divide the native language transfer into two branches: positivetransfer refers to the active or positive function or role played by native language totarget language, and negative transfer, which is also called cross-linguistic influenceprefers to its passive or negative fianction on target language. If native language hasmuch more similarities in segments with target language, then positive transfer willwork, and it will be more beneficial to the L2 learners. Otherwise,if there are fewersimilarities or more differences between native and target language, then negativetransfer must carryout. And it will absolutely become the main obstacle in L2 learners'acquisition of pronunciation. Furthermore, L2 learners have to appeal to some specialstrategies to deal with their problems in pronunciation, such as simplificationstrategies, e-map-guide strategies.

Chapter 3 Research Design......... 21
3.1 Research Questions and Hypotheses ........   21
3.2 Subject ........21
3.3 Instruments and Materials........ 23
3.4 Research Procedures ........24
Chapter 4 Results and Discussions........ 27
4.1 Pilot Study ........27
4.2 The Research Project........ 31
Chapter 5 Conclusion........ 48
5.1 Main Findings ........48
5.2 Innovations ........50
5.2.1 Theoretical Improvement........ 50
5.2.2 Empirical Improvement........ 51
5.3 Limitations ........51
5.4 Suggestions for the Future Teaching........ 52

Chapter 4 Results and Discussions

4.1 Pilot Study
In this subsection, the results of the pilot study will be presented from thefollowing two aspects: general tendency and individual difference in OT account. Tableau 4.1 describes the general acquisition of ECS and ECCS by CLES. As itshows, the error rate of the pronunciation is still much higher than imagined. Whaithe subjects meet difficult sound segments, they are intended to adopt silence to avoidreading. As tableau 4.2 shows, there are four main error types in the wrong pronunciationof ECS and ECCS. Epenthesis errors (Wl) are the most frequent one in the total(48.5%),and the second common errors are Deletion errors (W2),taking up 39.7%,the last type Substitution errors (W3) are also commonly made (11.8%). In the pilotstudy, there are no other mistakes, thus the present research will not take them intoconsideration.It can be concluded clearly that the problems in the acquisition of ECS and ECCSby CLES are not only very common, but the CLES mainly used such simplificationstrategies as epenthesis, deletion and