

日期:2018年02月12日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1312
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201801282121567152 论文字数:37485 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
isible ideasfrom the mind of the writers. Consequently, its proficiency is determined by variousfactors and dynamic. Schoonen (2008) pointed out that it has a much to do it thewriter’s linguistic knowledge, including vocabulary, grammar. Additionally, it alsorestrained by the writers’ life experience which can serve as the resources of thewriters’ awareness and ideas. Ganschow and Sparks (1996) stated that proficiency inL1 can act as media to for the writes to produce the works. Victori (1995) proved thatwriters with enough meta-cognitive knowledge like writing tasks and writingstrategies performed better than those who are lacking. Furthermore, studiessupported the point that English writing is a complex task depending heavily onwriters’ working memory capacity. Biber (2010) considered that feedback was foundto result in gains in writing development. However, peer feedback is more effectivethan teacher feedback for L2-English students.

2.2 Researches on Teaching English Writing Abroad
In order to improve students’ English writing proficiency, various approacheshave been tried by many researchers and scholars.Abroad, English writing started its way to develop from the beginning of 1960s.And three main approaches were formed historically.The Audio-lingual Approach dominated in the foreign language teaching at thestart of 1960s. Accordingly, controlled writing was prosperous. This writing approachwas based on spoken language. It equipped students with the accuracy of grammarforms and sentence structures through mechanical training and the theoretical base ofit was behaviorism. However, accurate as it may gain, this approach paid littleattention to the contents’ view and quality. And the function of teacher was no morethan an editor and a corrector.Rhetoric Approach once gained its popularities. As the theories associated withwriting developed, it was recognized that what interfered students’ writing was notgrammars and structures but the rhetoric. Therefore it was quite necessary for teachersto offer students ways to rhetoric to imitate. A written version was provided tostudents based on the writing task. Teachers guided students how to organize passagesand write proper sentences with the written version as a model. With the techniquesgained from teachers, students imitated what had been shown previously in theirwriting products. After the products were handed in to the teachers, they would begiven a mark based on the organization sentence structures and grammars. Comparedwith The Audio-lingual Approach, it drew more attention on how to express properlyeven beautifully other than the accuracy. However, its theory still belonged to thecategory of behaviorism and still shared the view that linguistics was learned.

Chapter Three Theoretical Foundations........19
3.1 Cognitive Process Theory......19
3.1.1 Relationship between Cognitive Process Theory and the Applicationof........20
3.2Affective Filter Hypothesis....21
3.2.1 English WritingAnxiety.....22
3.2.2 Relationship between Affective Filter Hypothesis and theApplication ......22
Chapter Four Research Methodology........... 25
4.1 Research Questions.......254.2 Research Subjects..........25
4.3 Research Instruments....26
4.4 Teaching Materials for both EC and CC...........28
4.5 Research Procedures..... 29
4.6 Teaching Instructions for EC and CC...... 30
4.7 Data Collection andAnalysis..........37
Chapter Five Results and Discussions.......... 39
5.1 Results.........39
5.2 Discussions...........45

Chapter Five Results and Discussions

After results were collected from the writing tests, the questionnaires and theinterviews, they will be analyzed an