

日期:2018年02月06日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1193
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201702171036238502 论文字数:38266 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
l (spoken and written); a source of activities for learnerpractice and communicative interaction; a reference source for learners on grammar,vocabulary, pronunciation, etc.; a source of stimulation and ideas for classroom languageactivities; a syllabus (where they reflect learning objectives which have already beendetermined); a resource for self-directed learning or self-access work; a support for lessexperiences teachers who have yet to gain in confidence” (Cunningsworth, 2002:7). It isclearly seen that the roles are classified by combining the needs of learners and teachers.Besides, both knowledge and activities are included in course books for teaching activitiesand self-learning process.


2.2 Previous Studies on Teaching Materials and Problems

Domestic scholars have conducted relevant researches on the roles of ESP teaching materialsand concluded problems inherent in current ESP course-books. Meanwhile, the evaluation ofbusiness English course books is also under the study of researchers with corpus tools andquestionnaires surveys.

2.2.1 Previous Studies on the Roles of Teaching Materials

Mo (2008) concluded status quo of ESP teaching materials, (1) ESP teaching materials are notmature enough to have a systemic set of course book, which has consistent arrangement andcontents. (2) ESP course books cannot be complementary with one another in terms ofdifficulty level, materials presentation and exercises, failing to form a system. (3) Coursebooks may be altered after the change of teachers without fixed setting of curriculum. (4)Teaching contents lack theoretical basis with less explanation of abstruse terms, andarrangement of grading level isn’t increasing steadily from easiness to difficulty. (5) Teachingmaterials may be compiled by teachers tentatively, of which the credibility remains to bejustified. (6) Some course books cannot direct learners to real practice, only concentrating oninane theories. As to the shortcomings of ESP materials, BE textbooks may be stuck inabove-mentioned circumstances, remaining to be noted in evaluation process.

Apart from research of problems inherent in ESP course books, Mo (2008) alsoelaborated on the relevance between course books, students and teachers. On one hand,concerning relation inherent in learners and course book, such differentiations as ages,psychological factors, recognition, etc. do allow teachers to adopt disparate teaching methodsand impart divergent input to suit different learners’ needs, which exactly corroborateswell-known teaching concept illustrated as teaching activities are in accordance with students’aptitude. On the other hand, teaching materials bear direct relevance with teachingperformance. A systematic course book with fine design and a variety of materialspresentation spurs teachers to actively participate in teaching activities and advance teachingperformance, which, in turn, influences effectiveness of course books.



3.1 McDonough & Shaw’s Evaluation Theory....................17

3.1.1 External Evaluation....................17

3.1.2 Internal Evaluation.....................18


4.1 Tailored Checklists........................... 23

4.2 Questionnaires...............................25


5.1 General Overview of BE Textbooks..................