2.2 Language Learning Strategy
The term “language learning strategy” has been used in different ways by differentresearchers. The following is a list of some definitions produced by some researchers.O’Malley and Chamot (1990) defines learning strategies as “ the special thoughts orbehaviors that individuals use to help them comprehend, learn, or retain new information”(P1).Ellis(2000) defines learning strategies as “particular approaches or techniques thatlearners employ to try to learn an L2. They can be behavioral (for example, repeating newwords aloud to help you remember them) or they can be mental (for example, using thelinguistic or situational context to infer the meaning of a new word)” (P4).Cohen(2000) defines learning strategies as “learning processes which are consciouslyselected by the learner. The element of choice is important here because this is what givesa strategy its special character. These are also moves which the learner is at least partiallyaware of, even if full attention is not being given to them” (pp.76—77 ).Nunan(2001) defines learning strategies as “mental and communicative procedureslearners use in order to learn and use language. Underlying every learning task is at leastone strategy”(p171).
3.1 Introduction........ 21
3.2 Participants.........21
3.3 Materials Used in the Study.......... 23
3.4 Instruments.........23
3.5 The Procedure of the Study....25
3.6 Teaching Reading Strategies......... 26
3.7 Means Employed in Data analysis.......30
3.8 Summary...... 30
4.1 Introduction........ 31
4.2 Results from the Tests...... 31
4.2.1 Comparison of Pre-test between the Two Groups..... 31
4.3 Results from the Questionnaires, Interviews and Logs........33
4.4 summary.......37
5.1Introduction......... 39
5.2 Major Findings.......... 39
5.3 Implications........ 40
5.4 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Future Studies....41
4.1 Introduction
This chapter aims at analyzing and interpreting the results of the study and then theresearch questions are answered.In order to know whether there is significant difference between the experimentalgroup and the control group prior to the study so as to make the study objective and valid,the writer analyzes the outcome of Independence-Sample Test of the experimental groupand the control group by means of the software SPSS. Here is a statistical outcome(Table4.2.1.1)After the study, all of students also took an exam which was held by Luliang CountyEducation Bureau. The scores of each student are recorded on computer by the schoolauthority. The writer is allowed to copy down the reading scores. The writer uses the SPSSto work out the Mean Score and Standard Deviation between the two groups as thefollowing table shows.
Through the data analysis of the questionnaires, interviews with students, the writer’sand students’ logs, and data analysis of the pre-test and the post-test, the two researchquestions are answered as follows.Firstly, the results of students’ logs indicate the students have learned some readingstrategie