

日期:2018年02月06日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1384
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201603072018258645 论文字数:52120 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
the Sino-Tibetan family. In order to improve the efficiency ofEnglish teaching, teachers taught students by means of translating method andteachers usually taught English following the steps of leading students to read Englishsentences, explaining the words in Chinese, introducing the usages, and doingexercises to practice using the words. The defects of that teaching method wasself-evident: teacher focused too much attention on translating the Englishexpressions into Chinese and ignored the pronunciation of the words. As a result, thestudents were mostly good at recognizing the English words and understanding themeanings of the expressions, but their oral English was mostly poor and often feelembarrassed when speaking, especially in public.In order to avoid such defects, English teachers in China started to bring in theaudio-lingual method. This was a method by which the teacher present the word usagein example sentences and add more speaking and listening exercises. Even though thisteaching method was more effective in improving learners’ oral English, it was stillfar from perfect since vocabulary teaching was not paid enough attention to.

Chapter 3. Methodology.................................15 

3.1 Experimental Method and the Subject..........................15 
3.2 Data Collection and ResultsAnalysis.................16
Chapter 4. Analysis and Discussion on Vocabulary Teaching in Senior highschools and Colleges.......34 
4.1 Verifying Methods of Presenting New Vocabularies.............................34 
4.2 Creating Context to Encourage Students Speaking English..................35 
4.3 Holding VariousAfter-schoolActivities................................................36 
4.4 Making Use of Emotional Education...............38 
4.5 Coordinating the English Teaching in College and Senior High Schools..........40 
Chapter 5. Summary ............................44 
5.1 Major Findings of This Research...................44
5.2 Limitations.......................49 
5.3 Suggestions for Researches in the Future........................50

Chapter 4. Analysis and Discussion on VocabularyTeaching in Senior high schools and Colleges

4.1 Verifying Methods of Presenting New Vocabularies

The reading method and situational method are muchmore efficient in improving students’ English proficiency, especially their reading,writing and speaking ability. However, it is still necessary to combine the twomethods with others. That is to say, if a teacher wants to present the meaning andusage of a notional word whose meaning is concrete, he should choose the directmethod to present it but make use of the reading methods to help the studentsconsolidate their memory of the word. However, if several words are often used in thesame sentence, it is better to choose the reading method so that the students couldremember all the words as a whole. As for the emotional method, it is special in that itis necessary method that all the teachers should never ignore. That is to say, a teachershould bear in mind that he plays the role of a guider in English class, instead of alecturer. Therefore, a teacher should attach more importance to students’ feeling andattitude toward English learning. If some students always keep quiet in class, ateacher should ask them to answer some simple questions and encourage them in time,instead of ignoring them. As for the students who is too confident, a teacher shouldalso remind them of the significance of being modesty and the necessity to learn more.In conclusion, only if an English teacher could make the best