

日期:2018年04月02日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1477
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201512041030269312 论文字数:39658 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


1. Introduction

1.1 Research Background
Teaching reflection is that in the process of teachers’ training, teachers are guided todiscover teaching problems in the teaching practice based on their received knowledge andexperienced knowledge, and then by pondering, making hypothesis, taking action andevaluating the results, they can find more reasonable methods to solve the teaching problemsto improve their teaching practice and promote teachers’ professional development (WangQiang, 2013). Therefore, teaching reflection plays an important role for teachers’ furtherprofessional development, especially in the area where the New Curriculum reform isperforming and teacher image is changing from “teacher-craft” to “teacher-researcher”. AsSchon (1983) puts it that teachers’ development equals experience plus reflection. He pointsout that teaching without reflection is narrow and limited experience which can at most formsuperficial understanding of teaching. If teachers just feel satisfied with received experiencewithout further rethinking about their teaching experience, their development will be widelylimited. And also as Jin Yule (2006) says that a teacher who keeps reflecting for three years issuperior to the one who just keeps writing teaching plans for thirty years. Because the formerconstantly explores effective teaching methods and tends to become a teacher researcher.In addition, researchers (Gan Zhengdong, 2000; Wang Qiang, 2013 et al) believe thatteaching reflection has both theoretical and practical meanings to improve teachers’ qualities.First, reflection can help teachers to educate themselves in the reflective process, whichmeans teaching reflection can help teachers change from experiential teachers to reflectiveteachers, and make the teachers become more responsible for their daily teaching activities,for the reflective teachers will rethink and evaluate the teaching events or problems happenedin class and to solve it positively. Second, reflection can promote teachers’ theoretical level bysummering the experienced knowledge, that is to say, teaching reflection can raise theteachers’ theoretical consciousness in the real teaching practice process.

1.2 Research Objectives
In order to find out the current situation of the postgraduate students’ teaching reflection,this thesis has three research questions: (1) What are the reflective contents of thepostgraduate students majoring in English teaching? (2) How is their reflective level? (3)What are the factors influencing their reflection? The subjects in this thesis are 41postgraduate students from a key normal university whose major is English teaching. Thisthesis mainly explores the performances of the postgraduate students’ teaching reflection inthe micro-teaching class. The research instruments include classroom observation, reflectivejournals from the students and interview.

1.3 Research Significance
From the facts mentioned above, this research has the following significances. Firstly,from the perspective of pedagogy, the research hopes to provide a more nuanced descriptionof the postgraduate students’ teaching reflection so that it can not only better inform tutors tostart cultivating the postgraduate students’ reflective ability at an earlier stage, but also helptutors to be in a better position to adopt a more positive attitude and master some specificmethods to cultivate the postgraduate students’ teaching reflection. Also, it can also raise theawareness of the postgraduate students to form a habit of reflection to become a teacherresearcher which is very useful for their teachers’ professional development. Thus, it bothbenefits tutors and the postgraduate students. Secondly, for the theoretical aspect, this researchcan further study teaching reflection to explore an effective way for postgraduate students torefer to and to fill some gap in teaching ref