

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2017
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw200904171605491476 论文字数:10000 所属栏目:植物学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
摘要:植物蓝光调节的反应主要有向光性、抑制幼茎伸长、叶绿体迁移、刺激气孔张开和调节基因表达等。蓝光反应的有效波长是蓝光和近紫外(320-400nm),故蓝光受体也叫蓝光/近紫外光受体。植物蓝光受体研究近年来取得较大进展。以拟南芥为例,已得到确认的受体至少有隐花色素(CRY1、2)和向光蛋白(phototropin)两大类。CRY1和CRY2共同介导了拟南芥植物的向光性。隐花色素的蛋白与辅基之间以非共价键连接,可以吸收蓝光和近紫外光。向光蛋白目前只发现PHOT1和PHOT2两种。而已发现的蓝光受体突变体有cry1突变体,cry2突变体,向光性反应突变体和蓝光信号传到下游组分突变体。蓝光受体的信号通路则包括:Ca2+ ,蛋白质的可逆磷酸化,阴离子通道和G蛋白介导的信号通路。本文通过回顾植物蓝光受体的研究进展,旨在探讨蓝光受体以后的研究热点及方向。

Progress of blue-light photoreceptors of plant
Abstract: Blue and ultraviolet-A regulate a wide range of response in plants, including phototropism, chloroplast migration and stomatal opening. However, the photoreceptors for these light responses have been identified only recently. Crytochrome 1 and  Crytochrome w are firstly elucidated. The phototropins{phot1 and phot2} reprent a new class if receptor kinases that appear to be exclusive to plants. The details of how this excitation activates such different responses remain to be elucidated. The main aim of this article is to review the whole process of these photoreceptors and discuss the research focus and directions in the future.
Keywords: blue-light receptors; crytochrome; phototropins; Arabidopsis