

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2962
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw200611221524468615 论文字数:26804 所属栏目:技术经济学论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
洛阳高新区政务信息网的设计与管理研究 摘 要 世界已进入信息化时代,因特网在全世界的迅速发展和信息高速公路的提出,在全球范围内掀起了建立信息基础设施的热潮,人们已经充分认识到信息已继原材料、能源之后成为世界第三大资源。以计算机技术、通信技术、网络技术为代表的现代信息技术已经成为当今世界最先进的生产力。因此,各国政府纷纷制订相应的发展计划以避免在这场新的科技竞争中落在后面,从而丧失国际竞争力。 随着社会发展和知识经济的来临,如何能够及时获取各方面信息并尽快做出反应,已成为各级政府和企业面临的重要课题。为此,各级政府和企业纷纷开始建立自己的计算机信息网络。目前,就全国地市级以上政府而言,大部分已先后建立起自己的政务信息网络,但网络的运行效率与作用发挥参差不齐。而县、区级地方政府则大部分还没有建立起自己的局域信息网,只是在互联网上设立了主页,部分工作人员单机上网。因此,各县、区级政府必然面临着如何规划、建立自己的政务信息网络的重大课题;而如何维护与管理建成后的政务信息网络,使其发挥出应有的作用和效益,并逐渐摸索出一套行之有效的网络管理方法,已经成为各级地方政府亟需解决的问题。 本文结合洛阳高新政务信息网的实际建设情况,就政务信息网络的规划、建设、风险效益分析以及网络管理等方面进行了阐述,介绍了洛阳高新政务信息网的建设、管理情况和发展思路,结合实践总结了网络建设和管理经验,为县区级地方政府规划、建立内部局域办公网络提供借鉴,为各级地方政府的政务信息网络的管理与维护提供参考。 关键词:政府 信息 局域网 办公自动化 ABSTRACT The world is stepping into the information age. Along with the rapid growth of Internet, the globe-wide tide of setting up the information system is up surging, and the information highway is firstly mentioned. People recognize that information has become the third resource after raw material and energy. Today, the modern information technology guided by science of computer, communication and Internet has become the most advanced productivity. Corresponding plans are made by the states to develop the technology, or they will be lost their competitiveness in the new competition of science. Along with the development of our society and the coming of knowledge economy, a task facing all states and enterprises is proposed that how to obtain various information quickly and response in time. Government at all levels and enterprises start to establish their own network one after another. But the efficiency of the network is not as good as anticipated. At present, although all the municipal government and above have built the network, governments at county and district level have not set up the LAN yet. Instead, they only simply own a homepage on the Internet, which stuff has to connect to Internet through dialing. The problem for governments at county and district level is how to project and establish the network. However, how to manage the established network and to operate efficiently so as to bring the most benefit and find an effective way for network management, is the problem for governments at all levels. Well combined with the practice in the establishment, management and analysis of risk benefit of Network System of Luoyang High&New Tech Industry Development Zone (LHDZ), this paper not only expatiates on the practical technology in running the system and the ideas on how to develop the system, but also on how to build an economic and effective LAN satisfying various demands from all departments within the organization, and how to maintain the system and strengthen the management, so that the network can be fully utilized and the profit can be insured, which can be the reference for the governments at all levels planning to establish or develop the system. Key words: Government Information Local Area Network Office Automation 目 录 摘 要…………………………………………………………………………………I ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………III 第1章 洛阳高新区建立政务信息网络的必要性和可行性………………………(1) 1.1 建立政务信息网络的必要性………………………………………………(1) 1.2 建立洛阳高新局域信息网络的可行性……………………………………(3) 第2章 洛阳高新政务信息网建设方案…………………………………………(10) 2.1 设计原则……………………………………………………………………(10) 2.2 目标功能设计………………………………………………………………(11) 2.3 设计方案……………………………………………………………………(14) 2.4 设计特点……………………………………………………………………(23) 2.5 实施计划……………………………………………………………………(25) 第3章 洛阳高新政务信息网投资估算与效益分析……………………………(27) 3.1 投资估算……………………………………………………………………(27) 3.2 效益分析……………………………………………………………………(32) 第4章 洛阳高新政务信息网的管理与维护……………………………………(34) 4.1 政务信息网络管理的一般内容……………………………………………(34) 4.2 政务信息网络管理的主要问题……………………………………………(35) 4.3 洛阳高新政务信息网在管理方面的几点做法……………………………(36) 第5章 结论与建议………………………………………………………………(38) 5.1 结论…………………………………………………………………………(38) 5.2 经验总结……………………………………………………………………(38) 5.3 发展建议……………………………………………………………………(40)