

日期:2024年08月26日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:130
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202408211725392157 论文字数:38566 所属栏目:商务英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
ndshort-term preparation.

According to Shen(2016),long-term pre-interpreting preparation mainlyincludes practicing listening comprehension,accumulating encyclopedic knowledgeand enhancing coordination ability.It requires interpreters to develop abilities ofbilingual listening comprehension,bilingual expression and cross-cultural knowledge.Long-term advance preparation attaches great importance to the long-termaccumulation of knowledge.This needs interpreters to constantly improve theirintralinguistic and extralinguistic knowledge in daily study and work.Intralinguisticknowledge refers to the knowledge of words,grammar and phonetics of differentlanguages,whereas extralinguistic knowledge means that“in addition to linguisticknowledge,understanding also requires knowledge about the external world,which iscalled extralinguistic knowledge,world knowledge or encyclopedic knowledge in theliterature”(Gile,2011,p.74).


5.1 Summary

It has been found that affected by the characteristics of this remote businessnegotiation,there are some difficulties encountered in the process of interpretation,including unfamiliar business terminologies,information redundancy and onlineemergencies.And the interpreter provided methods to tackle these difficulties.

The first thing to conclude is the difficulties brought by the characteristics ofremote business negotiation interpretation.

Objectively speaking,the professionalism and interactivity of businessnegotiation interpretation,as well as the technology-dependent of remote interpreting,make it challenging for the interpreter to deliver information in a complete,accurate,and fluent way.To be specific,business negotiation interpretation is featured byprofessionalism and interpreters may encounter unfamiliar professional terminology.And it is also highly interactive,so there may be repetitions or informationredundancies in the speeches of both sides,which can increase interpreters’burden ofmemory.Interpreters also face the challenges of technical skills and anxiety in remotebusiness negotiations.Compared to offline interpreting,remote interpreting reliesheavily on equipment and remote communication technology.
