

日期:2018年01月25日 编辑:ad201209271549445910 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1229
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201709072230315479 论文字数:38956 所属栏目:商务英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
ty, language outputquality and participation of students when comparing with face-to-facecommunication. Since then, the status of text-based CMC was gradually established.From the late 1990s, the application of text-based CMC stepped into the stage ofdevelopment. More and more scholars showed strong interests in the field oftext-based CMC and related research results begun to emerge. At the beginning ofthe 21st century, researches on text-based CMC reached the peak, and there weremany domestic scholars applied the text-based CMC into usage.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

The overall introduction of researches on text-based CMC will be presented inthis chapter. Then it focuses on the researches about text-based CMC home andabroad and factors influencing students’ language performance. The main findingsof corrective feedback, especially recast and prompts, will also be introduced. Acomprehensive evaluation about recast and prompts under the text-based SCMCwill also be discussed. As last, researches on students’ language accuracy in SCMCwill be introduced and evaluated.

2.1 Review of researches on CMC
The application of CMC in language teaching begun in the late 1980s, and theresearches on the impact of CMC on language learning started in the early 1990s.Since then, scholars have been conducting certain studies from different perspective,within which text-based CMC is mainly studied. This part will give a review ofresearches on CMC home and abroad, and affective factors that influence students’language performance. Researches about recast, prompts and language accuracy inCMC will also be introduced. As last, this paper will give an evaluation anddiscussion about the previous studies.

2.2 Review of researches on corrective feedback
This part will introduce the researches on corrective feedback from home andabroad to give an overall picture of corrective feedback. It emphasizes on theresearches of recast and prompts to discuss the importance of the feedback underthe environment of networks.In general, feedback refers to the information that is given to second languagelearners by their instructors. The objectives of feedback is to assist students indeveloping their language performance. Feedback includes two kinds of elements,that is, evaluation and correction. The former is the assessment of students’language performance. The latter is the comment given to the learners on theirlanguage performance, and correction is often in all kinds of forms, such as,illustration, elicitation and repetition. CF tells students their errors in languageperformance and how to correct their errors. CF was adopted to assist students indiscovering and amending their errors, and it can be used in various areas. Scholarsbrought this idea into the field of linguistics. Lalande (1982) gave a definition offeedback as any procedure used to inform a learner where an instrumental responseis right or wrong and as responses to efforts by the learner to communicate. Basedon the all explanation of feedback, there are two means to give students commentson their inter-language, that is positive evidence and negative evidence. Thepositive evidence helps students by giving them grammatical modes of the secondlanguage, which eases the complex language items to furtherance the understandingof the target language. The negative evidence gives students the reverse part of thepositive evidence.

Chapter 3 Theory Foundation and Methodology....20
3.1 Relevant theories of the study....20
3.1.1 Long’s interactive hypotheses...... 20
3.1.2 Noticing hypothesis......... 22
3.1.3 The Constructive theory.........25
3.2 Methodology.....26
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion......... 37
4.1 Results........37
4.2 Results of l