

日期:2018年01月24日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1086
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201708012012266613 论文字数:39587 所属栏目:商务英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

In this section, a general description about  the research topic, background infor mation, rationale,  research questions, the general or ganization  and possible  limitations  will be presented, serving as guidance to this study.      The author in this research, will an alyze Chinese and English Football Commercial Transfer  News Discourses (FCTND) (For the r ecord,  football refers in particular to soccer hereinafter) mainly from the perspectives of cognition and stance, grounded upon the studies of image schema and linguistic resources such as stance markers, by applying image  schema  theory which is an im portant  concept in Lakof f  and Johnson’s  (1987) cognitive metaphor theory, and discourse stance theory which comprises Biber, Johanson, Leech,  Conrad and Finegan’ s  (1999) three  kinds  of stance, Hunston and Thom pson’s (2000) four parameters of stance markers a nd Hyland’s (2005) four elem ents of stance markers.      Generally speaking, this research falls into the domain of cross-cultural discourse analysis, presenting a contrastive study between Chinese and English sports transfer news discourses.  To  be m ore  specific, the focu ses  of this  research  concerning Football Commercial Transfer News Discourses (FCTND) are various underlying image schemata unconsciously  employed  to construct com plicated  information, and to communicate football  transfer news writers’  ideas and individual perspect ives  in re lation  to specif ic events to the public institutions and discourse consumers, as well as the application of linguistic resources such as stance m arkers to demonstrate the stance of di fferent parties or  stakeholders, and how all these linguistic  devices are com bined  to influence the perception and cognition of discourse readers and realize their communicative purposes.

1.1   Research Background 
On the political front, with President Xi Jinping who is profoundly obsessed with football assuming the reins of governm ent, the central  government and supreme leadership have passed through relevant program s of football  reform, which is absolutely epoch-m aking and  has becom e  a m ilestone  in the cour se  of foot ball  development,  granting unprecedented opportunities for the development of this universally influential sport. The revitalization of football is a significant part of the  long-cherished dream of the Chinese people, building our nation as a worldwide sports power.  With the rapid developm ent of modern economy, the enormous potential economic value underlying the surface of sport indus try has gained substantial recognition across China. Along with the general im provement in the living standards of the broad masses, residents  are in increasing possession of  disposable  personal incom es,  which has contributed to the flourishing  of sport industry on our terr itory over the past decade, and sport industry is widely considered as a s unrise industry in our c ountry. The remarkable economic  growth triggered by the developm ent  of the sport industry ,  has occupied a progressively larger proportion in gross na tional product (GNP) and has attracted m ore and more attention from the masses. 

1.2   Rationale 
Discourse  analysis  is  a  perspective  with r egard  to soc ial  life  which  contains not only methodological  but also conceptual elem ents.  Discourse analysis includes ways of thinking about discourse and ways of treating  discourse as data. According to Potter and Wetherell  (1987:146), “Discourse analysis ha s  an analytic comm itment  to studying discourse